Thursday, March 19, 2009


1. Daylight savings is evil because I cannot seem to pull myself out of bed before 7 am. I am sure Jacob has nothing to do with it.

2. Speaking of Jacob, how in the world did he gets to be almost 3 months old? Ah!

3. Thank goodness for allergy meds. I went a few days without them and ended up being so congested. Now I am have them again and am on the mend. One day I hope to smell and taste things again. Grr.

4. Our good friends that moved to Idaho stopped by to visit us yesterday morning for a few minutes. They were on their way to Disneyland. It was so good to see them. Now I REALLY want to go to Disneyland.

5. I am very excited to travel back East to see my family this summer. However, the thought of flying with four kids does not fill me with excitement.

6. Why do boys like to dump toys? No playing with them, just dumping.

7. Now that Jimmy is potty trained he finds his "nut" so fascinating. Boys.

8. We're surviving Spring Break.

9. Why can't "The Office" and "30 Rock" be on every night? I am so excited that they are on tonight and both are new episodes.

10. Why do babies prefer to be held while standing and not sitting? Anna keeps asking me that. I wish I knew the secret because it would make my life easier.

11. I love Easter and spring time. We decorated for Easter yesterday and I noticed that we have a deplorable lack of Easter decorations. I told my husband that this was an emergency that needed to be taken care of ASAP. He thought I was kidding.

12. Why do weeds grow so freely? I need to win millions to hire a landscaper to re-do my whole backyard. That would be sweet.

13. My kids are so dang cute that I could cover them in kisses all the time.

How's that for random?

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

Ah, my dearest Sue, you made my day. Thanks! I love your take on life. Thanks for your humor.