Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Experience

I've never had a tire blow out before. Um, thank goodness because in all the movies it causes some serious wreckage! But this past week I had the opportunity to experience that first hand. Although it was frustrating to have to spend money on two new tires (the other one was worn as well on the sides) and an alignment, I could have fared much worse from the incident. Heavenly Father was looking out for this little lady.

Amazingly, I had been on the freeway previously that morning to run errands. I was on my way from home to pick up Jacob and his friend from preschool, which would have involved the freeway, when the tire blew. I had just been stopped at a stop light and so was just accelerating and not going very fast. I hear the noise and felt the van shift and immediately thought the tire blew. I pulled over to the side of the road and sure enough, I had a blown tire. I had a sweet sister from our ward stop to try and help me blow it back up with an air pump in the hopes that we could at least get it back to my house. No go.

She left and I waited for Marshall (who was on break) to arrive and help me change the tire. While I waited, I had a very kind gentleman, who had the same model of van as myself, stop and offer help. He knew exactly how to get the spare tire out, which was good since I had no idea. Soon another stopped and together they had the old tire off and spare just about on when Marshall arrived. Seeing Marshall and his friend who came to help in their white shirts, these kind men offered to finish the job to avoid Marshall and friend getting dirty. They changed the tire and were on their way.

I am so grateful for their kindness and calmness. I am so grateful that my tire blew while I was kid-free and not on the freeway. I am so grateful no damage was done to the van and that we could have a new tire on by the end of the day. Sometimes lame things happen in life, but we can always find some positive no matter how much chaos goes on around us. I am so grateful to the Lord for helping me keep calm and enabling me to see the blessings in what could have been a very stressful situation.

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