Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I love the library!

One of my favorite things to do as a child during summer was our trips to the library. We'd go to the old Upper Moreland library, which resided in the basement of a quaint historic building, every week. I remember walking past the picket fence, opening the well used squeaky door, and gliding down the worn wooden ramp into the library. All at once I was hit with the smell of books and coldness. (I love the smell of books. I love books!) Each visit we'd load up on as many books as possible to feed our minds and imaginations over the next week, even though we usually had them finished that day or the next. There was nothing as exciting as getting new books each week. It was like a buffet for the mind, hundreds of titles and subjects to choose from! I was in heaven.

Some of my favorites were the Bernstein Bears series and Beverly Cleary. I so wanted to be a part of Brother and Sister Bears' lives and live in their amazingly awesome tree house. I would draw pictures of their house and dream. I enjoyed the antics of Ramona. Sometimes I wanted to be as daring as she was, but I was glad I never got in to as much trouble as her. Worlds were opened up to me from that little old library and a love of reading was born. I still love the smell of books and get giddy when I check-out a new read from the library.

I am so glad my children have picked up on that love of reading. Today I had the chance to take the three older kids to our library. (Jacob was with Darci, which was nice as he does not understand library etiquette at all.) I found it highly amusing how the kids all went to their different spots in the library to peruse books. Anna to the fictional chapter books, Rachel off to find Bernstein Bears and Tree House Adventures series, and Jimmy to the non-fiction section on animals, reptiles, and fish. After everyone had made their choices, they curled up in the padded reading cubbies and read away. Even Jimmy, who hasn't mastered reading yet, sat happily contented looking at snakes, fish, and lizards. We had quite the pile of books to check out when it was time to go.

I hope my children continue to enjoy our weekly trips to the library. I am so glad they love to read and have found the magic that comes from feeding their imaginations and creating new worlds all around them. I love reading!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Small and Simple Things

Miracles don't convert, but rather it is the small and simple things we do every day that make a testimony grow and remain firm in the Gospel. The key is to start from day one of a child's life by teaching them the Gospel: who they are, where they are going, and what the Lord expects of them. That way they will always know the truth.

This was reaffirmed to me today as I got the girls ready to leave for church. Jimmy had been sick and so Marshall, bless his heart, came home so I could attend Sacrament meeting with the girls and then we'd switch off so he could return to teach the combined 3rd hour block. I was planning on leaving Jacob at home with Marshall as he is only two, but once that sweet boy saw the girls and I gathering our church stuff he burst out with, "I go church! I go church!" Well, I am not one to fight that declaration so off he came to church with us (Mind you it was a heavenly meeting as Marshall was not on the stand to distract Jacob. He didn't have anyone to try and visit and so he stayed with us.) But it melted my heart that my little two year old knows we go to church on Sunday and that's where he needs to be.

Don't ever tell me children are too young to learn about the Gospel. They are watching us and copying what we do from the first day they come to this earth.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Time for more ramblings

- Marshall and anna are sitting playing chess and watching "Anne of Green Gables". I love it!

- I also love the fact that Marshall sat last night and painted Rachel's toe and finger nails. What an awesome dad!

- Marshall bought the complete Disneyland soundtrack that includes music to all the rides and shows. As if we need more reason to want to go to Disneyland. Upong listening to it the first time Jacob declared, "Disneyland?! Van!" He was sad we did not all get in the van and leave right then. I wish!

- Jimmy has been sick today and laying on the couch. Sweet Jacob came up to him, give him and hug, and rubbed his back. So precious!

- I took the kids to the splash park yesterday. Bikini tops and short shorts are not your friend if you are not a stick. Holy Muffin Top Batman!

- I am awaiting running the Midnight 5K tonight. I am so excited/ nervous. Eeeeekkk! I can only imagine how I'll be before the marathon.

- Chocolate Twizzlers are so evil and so good! Mmmmmm.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy 9th Birthday Anna!

Yesterday we celebrated Anna's 9th birthday. How can I remember so clearly her birth and she already be 9 years old? Her last year in the single digits! Time flies! We had celebrating her birthday on Saturday by going on a picnic up on the Red Hill here and then hiking around. Then on her actual birthday we did presents, I made pizza, and then had friends and cousins over for cake. She is her Daddy's daughter and wanted frozen white cake with Funfetti frosting, which is Marshall's birthday cake of choice as well. (Not to mention the fact that she eats hot sauce with everything. She is his little Southwest girl!)

I love Anna and feel so blessed to be her mom. She is so sweet and kind. Anna always befriends and is nice to the kids that don't always fit in. She is sensitive to the world around her and tries her best to make good choices. She is very concerned about doing what is right and being modest. She is not afraid to speak out for what is right. And she is such a smart and dedicated student. Anna always looks out for her younger siblings and can be very helpful.

I love watching her testimony grow. She made the goal to finish reading the Book of Mormon on her own before she turned 9 and completed that goal two weeks prior to her birthday. I am SO proud of her! She is a determined girl. And she is gorgeous. She is as beautiful outside as she is inside. I love you sweet Anna!
Opening presents! She got the "Tangled" soundtrack, pink Legos, glitter nail stickers, and a Barbie wedding play set, which made for one happy girl!
Anna requested Hermione on her cake. She LOVES Harry Potter.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why does it all come down to patience?

The other night I was lamenting to Marshall about how I feel like I will never improve in my running speed. (Granted, I have only been running for a month and a half now and have been making good progress, but I still want to be faster sooner.) They say speed comes over time and I believe it. But I still get frustrated that I am not increasing my speed as quickly as I want to. Am I really not Wonder Woman? What?! I lack this thing called "patience" when it comes to most things in life. If I had patience, my life would be so much easier.

Marshall, in his wisdom, taught me a very important lesson with his response. He reminded me of how angry and upset Rachel gets when we are reading scriptures and she comes across a word she doesn't know. Instead of asking for help, she gets mad because she can't read the word. Even though she has been reading for two years now and is very good at it, there are many words out there she doesn't know. Yet she expects to know all words she comes across. She has no patience for that which she cannot do or understand. As a parent, it is frustrating to watch her get so upset. I think to myself, "It's not the end of the world! It's just a word. We can learn it together and move on." But to Rachel, the sky is falling.

And here is where I say, "Light bulb!" I'm being just like Rachel. Often I am too hard on myself because I can't do what I want to do right away. I get mad and frustrated and I want to throw a tantrum too or crawl under the covers and hide from the world. Wah! I think we are all like that. Obviously, we don't get frustrated and throw a fit when we don't understand a word while reading, but how many other times in life do we get upset when things don't happen how and when we think they should?

I know my running speed will increase in time the more I work at my endurance. It will happen. I just need to be patient and humble enough to realize I cannot do everything perfectly, which is OKAY. I need to let myself be imperfect. We all need to cut ourselves some slack. Wonder Woman and Superman do only exist in comic books, after all. Sometimes I think I learn more from my kids than they do from me.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Woes of a Rockstar Momma

I've decided that all this running and being fit thing has one major set back, lack of lap space. As if by some magnetic force, all at once the children converged on me in Sacrament meeting today. It was almost comical how all were happily entertained or occupied and then immediately they began to swarm. One girl on each side of me and Jimmy on my lap. My boys always fight over lap space, so Jimmy sitting on me meant Jacob had to tune in and come over to fight for lap rights. This, or course, resulted in me having to take Jacob out as he felt very displaced and wanted to go visit his dad instead. (Jacob visiting Daddy on the stand is NEVER a good thing. It always results in instant boredom combined with the desire to wave and dance around for all admiring fans in the congregation. That and running around the stand.) I had to take Jacob out to avoid major drama and melt down.

It got me thinking that while being healthy and small is a good thing, it doesn't help with solving the fights about lap space. What I really need to do is gain a good 20-40 pounds so everyone will have some place on Mom to sit, whether it be my increased lap or extended hips, each kid could have some part of me to claim for their own, even if it's just a handful to grab on to.

But then the true wisdom hit when I realized that even if I had more of me to go around, even if I could clone myself, my kids would still find something to fight about when it comes to "claiming" me. They always do. I suppose I'll just have to accept my popularity because it must mean I am doing SOMETHING right when all the kids vie for my attention. I think I can handle that rock star status, even if that means juggling four kids in the middle of sacrament meeting every Sunday!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My endless "truffle"

Have you ever had a Lindor truffle? Talk about death by chocolate. I would gladly accept that chocolaty end. I always like to eat mine the same way every time, putting the whole thing in my mouth and savoring the chocolate coating. Then as the chocolate melts away, my taste buds are rewarded with smooth, creamy, chocolaty heaven. So delicious and divine. Yum!

I was pondering life with Marshall and how it's kind of been like eating one of those beloved truffles. Eleven years ago, on his birthday, he asked me to marry him. Marshall was adorable, charming, talented, fun-loving, spiritual, smart, funny, thoughtful, and sensitive. I was determined to marry someone who was not going to poop out in the Gospel a few years down the road. And I wanted a man who would be a fun, hands on father. I thought I was getting a pretty sweet package.

The Marshall I knew eleven years ago was like the chocolate outside the Lindor truffle. He was amazing already, but I had no idea what I was in store for. Through the years I have been able to "savor" Marshall so much better and am constantly surprised at the "sweet interior" I keep discovering in this man of mine. He is pure gold, through and through. Time has shown me that he is an extremely humble, righteous, and converted follower of the Savior. His life is all about living the Gospel and doing the Lord's will. He treats his covenants with the priority, sacredness, and dedication they deserve. As a father he astounds me. Marshall has no fear about being silly with the kids. He loves to play with them and make them laugh. He changes diapers, will get up in the night with a sick or fussy child, and makes each feel loved and special. His talents have only improved and increased through time. He gets more adorable ever day, even though I don't think it is possible, it is! And as for his love for me, well, I had no idea! He has stood by me through many trials, supported me, cheered me on when I felt like quitting, and encouraged me in all I do. He picks me up when I am down. He helps around the house whenever possible. He hires baby sitters so he can take me out on dates. He makes me feel like a princess living out her "happily ever after" every day.

Marshall is a joy to be married to and be around. His bad days are comparable to my good days, meaning it takes a lot to get this gorgeous fellow down. He is so upbeat and happy. I had no idea of the happiness and pure contentment I would experience when I said "yes" all those years ago. I am so glad I did so I could discover the many amazing layers of Marshall. And with the coming years I know I will only grow to love, admire, respect, and cherish this dear man even more. Happy Birthday, Babe!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


- Jacob's favorite movie is "Tangled". He laugh hysterically at it. It has romance, action, and all sorts of fun characters. all he ever wants to watch is "Tangled". At least I can get him to sit still for a little bit of time. Who thought that was possible?

- School is out in a week! When did that happen? I cannot believe Jimmy will be in kindergarten!

- We've started to harvest peas in our garden. Yum! I love fresh veggies! And our zucchini and tomato plants are growing well.

- Right now I am reading "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". It's so entertaining. So much fun, full of mystery, action, and intrigue. Love it!

- Training for the St. George Marathon is going well. I cannot believe I am going to do it. But I know it will be fun to accomplish. I have always wanted to do something like that so why not now?

- It's birthday time again, with Marshall's birthday this Thursday and Anna's next Tuesday. My girl is turning 9. How did that happen?

- Marshall's job gives him lots of interesting work stories. Sometimes I wish he didn't share them. Criminals are interesting creatures.

- My mom is coming to visit in two weeks. I have a lost of things I want to get done before she comes. Hmmmm. I suppose I should start on that list. Just waiting for the motivation to hit!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Divorce cakes?!

I love dessert! I always pick sweet over salty. And yet how can something so delicious and good be used to make light of a very sad and horrible experience? Remember the blog about "divorce gift registries"? Well I found a new craze that is even more scary, divorce cakes. That's right, you can celebrate your divorce in the form of creative confectionery insanity. Just what any normal person would think of, right? With divorce cakes, parties, and registries, people are going to get married just so they can get divorced. Leave it to society to find more ways to cash in on a person's misery and loss of love.

Finding the Funny and the Yummy in Dark Times
"Some people might consider it crass and insensitive while others may view it as a fitting end to a period in their lives, as well as a chance to have a good party," Fay Millar, owner of Pink Rose Cakes in Brighton, England, told the Daily Mail. "I like to introduce humour rather than something too sober or vindictive so I use lots of figurines interacting with each other. Divorce can be a horrible thing but I would like to think comical divorce cakes can help lighten the mood a little." Donna Maynard of Donna's Dream Cakes and Creations in Summerville, FL, recently told the Orlando Sentinel that her divorce cakes often feature messages like "Thank God I'm Free" or a broken heart.

I'm going to go with the "crass and insensitive" view. I had to include some pictures of cakes to show they are for real. It's kind of disturbing as one is used to seeing happy cute bride and grooms adorn cakes. I wonder what will be next? Divorcey-moons? Divorce announcements?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

No way am I settling for canned beans!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I always listen to/ read the Priesthood Session talks from General Conference first. Why? Because I am curious what the brethren think are the most important things to teach our priesthood about. What do our men need to work on and how can I help my husband better follow that counsel?

I have almost completed listening to the recent session on my i-pod and was struck by the message of President Ucthdorf. He talked about not living beneath one's priesthood potential and privileges. He began by telling a story about a man who had always dreamed of going on a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea. He worked hard and saved until his dream was finally realized. Not wanting to add to his expenses, he packed powdered lemonade, cans of beans, and crackers to sustain him on his trip. He avoided the entertainment and parties other passengers participated in so as to save his money. He enjoyed the trip, but stayed in his cabin and subsisted on his humble fare for most of it. Only on the last day did the man discover, to his great surprise, that all the food and entertainment was included in the cost of his ticket. He had been living far beneath his privileges and it was too late enjoy them!

President Ucthdorf then discussed how a man can live up to his priesthood potential, namely by 1)knowing his priesthood duties and what God expects of him (read the scriptures), 2) seek out revelation, 3) find joy in priesthood service. As I listened to this wise counsel I thought about what I am doing to make sure my husband is living to the fullest of his priesthood privileges and potential.

One of the reasons why I like to listen to Priesthood Session is to know how I can be a better wife and help meet to my husband. How can we be one as a couple if I don't educate myself on what the Lord expects of BOTH of us? I think every woman should take the time to acquaint herself with these teachings. So many times sisters fail to realize the power and influence they have other their husbands and their spiritual potential. Would I rather have my husband home to help with the kids at night than be gone? Yes. But would I rather have him at home instead of using his priesthood to bless the lives of others, have spiritually sustaining experiences, and ultimately bless our family and myself? I think the answer is obvious. When my husband uses his priesthood, we both are blessed for it.

If we want our husbands to live to the full extent their priesthood potential, we need to help and encourage them. Encourage them to leave the home and go to their meetings, do their home teaching, and fulfill their callings. Ask them to give blessings when needed. If they feel unworthy to do so, help them get to the point where they feel worthy. If that means going to the bishop, then so be it! Encourage them in all they do and praise them for the righteous use of their priesthood power. It may mean more time at home with the kids for the woman, but the blessings far outweigh the sacrifice. I've answered a slew of random phone calls, spent many a lonely night, dealt with last minute emergencies that resulted in hours on my own, watched my tired husband juggle family, work, and church responsibilities (all the while wishing I could do it for him and let him rest), and much much more. Yet, I wouldn't change all the challenges that come with his priesthood responsibilities for the world. And if he tried to skip out on his duties, I would kick his cute little hind end into gear! I'm not about to stand in his way of living up to his potential and I am not about to let him either. Plus I know I need the blessings his service renders to our family.

What a great responsibility and joy it is to help our husbands become and stay righteous priesthood holders living to their fullest potential. When they are being all they can be, we are as well and both are blessed. No way am I settling for canned beans and powdered lemonade when there is a huge buffet waiting at my disposal!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Most Wonderful Mother

As I sat on the stand today, listening to a wonderful talk, and feeling the Spirit, i was called out of my spiritual moment by the wail of the damned. I recognized the wail. It was the call of Jimmy after Jacob pulls his hair. Sure enough, when I looked over to the row where Sue and the kids were sitting, there was Jimmy shrieking in pain. What's the point of this story? The point is that Sue is amazing.

Every day of my life I go out to work or to church. I help people, I meet people, I get complimented (or yelled at). However, i couldn't do any of this without the help of Sue.

Sue is a mother who is always there for her children. She is always holding, kissing, helping, cooking, praying, playing, and doing. She takes care of everything in the family. I try to do my part, but my responsibilities require that I am often gone, so much of the burden lands on Sue, and she bears it wonderfully.

She has struggles, yet she still moves on and does all that is required of her. I love Sue with all my heart, and I am so greatful that she is the wife and mother of my children. Thanks to her, my children know the gospel, are kind, and they will hopefully, one day, grow up to be as good as her.

Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I actually agree with"Dear Abby"?

Who can tell me what is wrong with the following letter posted in today's "Dear Abby"?

DEAR ABBY: I am an over-50 "cougar" who has a boyfriend who's not happy with my looks. He loves all the other aspects of our relationship, but he wants me thinner and prettier. I'll never look 30 again. What do you think I should do? -- BARB IN RENO

Times like this make me wonder if this stuff is made up. Can this woman really be that clueless? I love Abby's response.

DEAR BARB: Change boyfriends. If yours doesn't like you the way you are, face it -- your romance is on the downhill slide. Of course you'll never look 30 again. But what's important is how you feel about yourself.

My answer might be different had you said you wanted to be thinner because you thought it would make you more attractive. Please give this some serious thought while you still have a healthy level of self-esteem -- because the longer you're with this man, the more it will be eroded.

One of the few times I agree with Abby's advice. Couldn't have said it better myself. I just had to post it for history's sake.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another reason to dislike Cameron Diaz

Wow. Cameron Diaz has always grated on my nerves. I honestly don't know how she is so famous. I don't think she is a blond bombshell and talking about her "acting skills" just makes me want to giggle. But I do think she does a fabulous job of playing a ditsy blond. When I came across the following article I realized that perhaps Cameron isn't acting at all. She really is an idiot after all! Read her sage wisdom and see.

Don't expect to see an engagement ring on Cameron Diaz's finger anytime soon.

The 38-year-old "Bad Teacher" star tells Maxim's June issue that marriage is a dying institution. "I think we have to make our own rules," she explains. "I don't think we should Don't expect to see an engagement ring on Cameron Diaz's finger anytime soon.

The 38-year-old "Bad Teacher" star tells Maxim's June issue that marriage is a dying institution. "I think we have to make our own rules," she explains. "I don't think we should live our lives in relationships based off old traditions that don't suit our world any longer."

Despite her fear of settling down, Diaz — who's dated everyone from Justin Timberlake and Jared Leto to current beau Alex Rodriguez — still believes in love.

"I love men more than anything. I want all men to be happy and have rad women in their lives," the blonde bombshell says. "But guys need women who challenge them and don't let them get away with their s---. Women, conversely, need to not be crazy b------ who blow up when their guys tell them something that scares them."

When asked about her relationship with Rodriguez, however, Diaz is notably less candid. "It's really awesome," she says. "I love baseball!"

Wow again. I think her relationship advice is awesome. Totally vague and full of swear words equals a pearl of wisdom. Why would I want to take advice from a woman who makes millions posing half nude in front of cars? That must be all she has going for her because no one seems to be home upstairs.

Cameron says we shouldn't "live our lives in relationships based off old traditions that don't suit our world any longer". Yeah, marriage totally doesn't fit the world anymore. I can tell because lots of people have found happiness without it. You can see by all the divorce, depression, abuse, and crime statistics, along with how America's children are growing up without any problems or issues. The decay of marriage has been such a blessing to our society. Has this woman been living under a rock? I mean, I know Hollywood is a totally different world, but get a clue lady! You have no idea what you are talking about.

Sorry, I am not going to take marriage advice from Ms. Diaz. She should keep her relationship wisdom to herself and just stick to what she knows best, being a true blond.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Going retro

Saturday night Marshall and I dressed up in our best digs for one wild time. Okay, it wasn't for a crazy party or something, but a ward activity. People could come dressed from any era they wanted. The kids, for some reason, opted to not join us in our unusual attire. Rachel told me I looked scary. Nice!

Anyhow, I hadn't planned on dressing up until an hour before the party. Marshall and I threw together our ensembles and had a blast. We got lots of comments. It was a "blast from the past" in more than one way. Yes, we were dressed retro, but it also reminded me of our first date 11 years ago. It was at BYU. We went to a hunger banquet, but also decided to dress 80's style for it. You know, because at BYU you do things like that. It was so much fun and once again it was great to pay tribute to the era of Duran Duran, Boy George, Billy Idol, The Bangles, and more.
Marshall sporting a raised collar and sock less loafers. Hotness!
Bangs to heaven, purple eye shadow, and all the colors. Sweet!

Our first date, all those years ago