Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just a few things that make me smile

-My husband. He is always happy and positive and it is so contagious. He is adorable. I love him so much and the little things he does, like sing songs or put away clean dishes.

- My children. Jacob bounding out of preschool, eager to tell me the newest thing he has learned. Or his very profound and humorous three year-old statements. Jimmy sharing his newest Mandarin words with me or sharing his big plans for some awesome boy adventure, like a complete remodeling of the swing set. Rachel and her sweet nature, cuddling the cats or giving me a hug when she knows I have had a long day. Anna writing me cards or looking out for her younger siblings.

- My cats. They have such individual personalities. Penelope, who is the youngest and smallest of them all and yet still is the toughest. She is Queen Bee and makes sure everyone knows it. Bella, who is scared of her own shadow, but very sweet and loving. And Riley, who "talks" to us all the time and always likes to cuddle.

- The Godhead. What would I do without the sweet tender mercies I daily receive? They remind me that I am not alone, I am loved, and the events of my life are known above.

I am truly blessed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Violence is not the answer

We could really use some more Ghandis and Martin Luther King Jr.s in the world. Pakistan declared this past Friday ":A Day of Love for the Prophet Mohammed" and encouraged Muslims to non-violently protest an anti-Muslim film that was produced in the United States. I completely understand their disgust towards a film that was an attack on their religion and beliefs. The idea for this "Day of Love" made sense. History has shown that non-violent protests have been very successful.

Sadly, non-violence is not what Pakistan got. Instead the action turned brutal, with 15 people killed, two theaters ransacked and burned, along with numerous other damage and injury done.

This is my problem with the protesters. They are upset that their religion was portrayed in a negative way. They do not like being deemed as evil or "bad" people. However, their actions showed that they were exactly that. If they could carry on a protest without killing their own people and causing destruction, maybe the Western world would start viewing them in a more positive light. If you want people's respect, stop proving that you are a violent religion and start doing some good in your own countries.

I have nothing wrong with someone who lives a different religion than I do. People have their freedom to do so. However, I disagree with violence and any religion that uses it to prove a point.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Something's afoot

I am pretty sure there is a magic force field around Anna's bed that makes it physically impossible for her to stay in bed. As soon as she gets into bed, it must just bounce her right back out. I know this because I can hear the creaking of the floor above my head almost every night when I try to relax after the kids are in bed. Somehow the other children have escaped this phenomenon.

The force field must also have magical powers that trigger the investigative part of her brain because Anna always comes out of her room with questions to ask. "What is for school lunch tomorrow?", "Where all the cats?", "Why were you so mean and got upset when I repeatedly disobeyed you at dinner?", "Why are you getting angry now?, and so forth. It is amazing the amount of questions that come out of her mouth.

Surely Anna isn't stalling going to bed. I mean, it is almost a nightly occurrence. There really must be some mystical powers at work. There just must.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Primary Program

Today was our ward's Primary program. I am so proud of the kids because they did a great job participating. Anna even gave her first talk in Sacrament meeting and did a fabulous job. She spoke clearly so that everyone could understand her. I told her that if she can give a talk in Sacrament meeting, then she can do anything! I caught Jimmy singing songs, even though he won't admit it. And shy little Rachel also has found her voice. Jacob was just happy to be up front and survived being on the stand for an hour. I love my little monkeys and am so proud of their good example.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget

I still get goosebumps every year when we watch videos about September 11th. All those emotions go rushing through me. I remember being scared. Scared about what was happening and what the future would hold. I had barely found out I was pregnant with Anna and wondered what kind of world she would grow up in. I was so glad no one I loved was hurt and cried for those who had lost dear ones. I could not imagine being pregnant and losing my husband, like others did that day. I just wanted to hold Marshall tight and never go outside again.

But years have passed and times have changed. Things may not be perfect in this country, but we're still here kicking, proving that we are made of something stronger. Something that cannot be taken away by those twisted men who attacked our country all those years ago. 

Last night for Family Home Evening, we talked about September 11th with our children. We watched some videos of the coverage of that memorable day. And we talked about all that happened. It shocked my kids to know that there are people out there who hate us and are raised to hate us with such insane passion that they would do something like fly airplanes into buildings to kill thousands of us. But I loved what my sweet 10 year old daughter said in return to such anger. "But they can't knock us down. We're stronger than that. We're Americans!" So very true. If history has proved anything, it has shown that Americans are tough and we will fight for our freedom. We WILL not forget!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Following a prompting

Today after Relief Society I had a very sweet older sister come up to me, take my hand, look me in the eyes, and say, "I don't know why I feel this way, but I just have to tell you to stand fast and carry on. The Lord loves you and will help you." She then went on to tell me that all during church she kept getting the prompting that she needed to tell these words to me. She told me she was only the messenger and knew the Lord wanted me to know that He is aware of me.

Little did she know how much I needed to hear those words. She had no idea that Saturday night I laid in bed, talking to Marshall and crying over how tired I was of all the craziness going on in our life. How I didn't think I could do one more Sunday with him being bishop and that I just wanted to be done with it. How I wished he could be with us for just one Sunday. That we could just keep him to ourselves. That all we are doing with him teaching Institute and taking a class through the Church Education System was just too much, even though I knew it is what the Lord wants. I went to bed feeling discouraged and tired and woke up with the attitude that I would try to make the best of the day.

That message from that dear sister just cut through all my emotions and worry and let me know that my prayers are heard and the Lord is aware of my struggles. I needed to hear those words so much and thanked her for being in-tuned enough with the Spirit to share that message with me.

Often we hear how the Lord works through us to bless the lives of others. We have "angels" around us who are normal people that following the promptings of the Spirit to lift up another. I am so grateful to that dear sister and for the encouragement she shared with me. I hope that I can be so in-tuned with the Spirit that I can be a messenger of peace and hope to someone who may need it. I love this Gospel.