Thursday, July 31, 2008

Taking the Plunge

I am always nervous when it comes to trying new things. Mainly because I don't want to look like a complete idiot in the process. But usually, whether or not I make a fool of myself, I am glad I took the plunge and did something new.

A month or so ago my husband asked one of our Family History people from church to come and help me get started on my line. I was so excited and nervous for her visit. Due to conflicting schedules, we weren't able to get together until yesterday. I was unsure about what to expect and worried I'd look like a complete idiot because I have no clue whatsoever when it comes to family history. Of course, all my worries where in vain.

I had a wonderful time working with Sister F. She showed me how to use the PAF program and how to look up information about my family for free on-line. She gave me some great tips on searching that I had never thought of and some good ideas about how to keep my research organized. We found some great websites that have lots of names from my family line. (Yeah for the Dutch and their love of genealogy! They are meticulous.) Now I will have a lot to keep me busy with.

It was a wonderful learning experience and I am glad I did it. Trying new things doesn't have to be scary. I am so pumped to get working on my family history and, my goodness, I have my work cut out for me!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

That'll Teach 'Em

I've always thought holding a grudge is silly. Why bother? Just suck it up and get on with life. Plus it takes too much energy and creates lots of awkwardness. Maybe I'm just too lazy to hold a real grudge. Though I've seen plenty in my time, some that have made me just laugh because of the extent people go to, none have compared to the ones I read about in "A Treasury of Royal Scandals" by Michael Farquhar. It was a delightfully amusing book full of all sorts of scandals and ridiculous behavior that I hope no one I know ever emulates.

For example, Pope Stephen VI had his predecessor, Pope Formosus, exhumed nine months after his death. Formosus' rotting body was dressed in full papal vestments and propped up to undergo trial for charges of perjury and other crimes that Stephen brought up against him. Stephen was not a big fan of the previous pope. Can you tell? Poor Formosus was found guilty and thrown into the Tiber River. Thankully Formosus' body was fished out of the river and laid to rest. But that wasn't the end. The next pope after Stephen, Sergius III, had Formosus' body dug up yet again and the head chopped off. Yeah, that'll teach him. Enough already guys! Time to move on.

Or what about poor Oliver Cromwell? He took over the English government after the execution of King Charles I and ruled until his death. However, King Charles' son was not pleased with Mr. Cromwell and took his revenge when he assumed the throne. More digging up of bodies! He had Cromwell dug up and drug through the street of London and then beheaded. Mind you, he was already long dead. The head was posted atop Westminster Hall for 25 years and then passed from various owners until 1960, when it was finally buried. Can you say ridiculous and disgusting?

And then there is the best, poor Napoleon. It is rumored that a very upset Corsican chaplain swiped a little token from Napoleon's body shortly after he died. It was Vignali's ultimate revenge to steal the obnoxious emperor's manhood. Um, gross. Til this day, Napoleon is missing this vital part as it is kept by a Napoleon collector in New York in a little casket, or at least that's how the story goes.

See history isn't all that boring? But really, we can learn some great lessons from history, especially when it comes to grudges. Doesn't it sound silly to dig up a dead body and harm it? Hello, no one is there? Time to get over your pinecone. What purpose does it meet? Lots of time and labor and a whole lot of nastiness, plus you go down in history known as being a little bit loopy. It's a good thing no one today holds silly grudges (insert sarcastic laugh). I'll admit that I've done some stupid things because I was holding on to some past hurt. Thank goodness I am much wiser than that now! (insert another sarcastic laugh). Just try not to make a complete fool of yourself if someone makes you mad. If anything, I beg you, don't go digging up any dead bodies to harm.

Job Security

Sometimes I worry about losing my job. My kids are really good at showing me that they can do well on their own.

This morning while I was upstairs, Jimmy helped himself to the juice in the fridge. You see, he wanted juice and he knows how to open the juice bottle. So I found him carrying around a giant bottle of apple juice and chugging as he went. Thank goodness the bottle was almost empty. Too bad he can't be independent enough to mop up his sticky mess. Hmm. Selective independence? Or there are numerous occasions when Jimmy wants a snack and so will push a chair over to the cupboard and get out whatever he wants. Why bother the middle man, mom, especially if she might say "no". Moms are just so mean.

Rachel is always doing something to our computer. I think at least four times a day she changes the background color on our email box. She thinks it's the greatest thing. She also knows how to get to her favorite website, Nick Jr., to play games. Rachel is also very good at printing out pictures in all sorts of quantities. I never know what to expect when I use the computer.

Anna has gotten smarter with age too. She knows how to get her own chocolate milk. And why ask mom to use her body spray when you know exactly where it is? So what if Anna puts enough on to create a fragrance filled cloud of doom that lasts all day. She did it herself.

The kids amazes me daily with all the new "skills" they learn, some I'd rather they'd just forget about. But I guess my job is safe for now, despite their increasing independence. They haven't mastered how to open fruit snacks or tie water balloons. Once they figure out those two things, my job will be history!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Die Hard Mommy-ist

When I was a teenager, I was a die-hard feminist. You had to watch out for me and my steel toed shoes. I was on a man-hating mission and was going to conquer the world. Now that I am older and much wiser, I am a die-hard mommy-ist. I love being a mom and will defend my role and importance as mom. Don't talk trash to me about being a mom or the work of a mom or I may get you with my steel toed shoes. Okay, not really. I don't have those shoes anymore, but I can still get pretty fired up over being a mom.

I think being a mom is one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs on the planet. I work with three, soon to be four, adorable, little people. Each has their own personality and tastes. Great things are asked of me, like mind reading, changing the weather, speeding up time or slowing it down, creating constant peace among warring factions who often lack any sense, food including the food I eat, patience, grooming, the stamina of an Olympic athlete, instant gratification (now, now, now!), multi-multi-tasking and listening, the chance to sit for a few minutes undisturbed, having a phone conversation I can hear, privacy in the bathroom, the abilitiy to leap buildings in a single bound, and sleep. I have no office to go hide in when my co-workers demand too much of me, unless the bathroom counts. And my work day never really ends until everyone is asleep, but even then they can come in with a last minute assignment. It's a tough job.

But the benefit's far outweigh the work. Who cares about 410ks, insurance plans, bonuses, etc.? My perks are much more meaningful. A smile, hug, kiss, giggle, or kind word. Watching my little co-workers learn from me and try to emulate the principles taught in our home. Just looking into their cute faces and knowing they are mine. Sure, the job is hard, but I cannot imagine wanting to do anything else. No degree or worldly recognition could ever compensate for the rewards I get every day.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Do You Love Me?

This past weekend Marshall and I had the chance to get-away! Yee-haw! How often does that happen? We went up to the Shakespearean Festival in Cedar City. We had the chance to see "Fiddler on the Roof" and Othello". Both were amazingly done and had powerful messages.

I love the song "Do You Love Me?" from "Fiddler". It has such a great message and I was reminded of it again this weekend. After marrying off two daughters for love and not tradition, Tevye asks Golde "Do you love me?" She thinks he has gone insane. Why ask such a question? They've been married 25 years. Golde doesn't know and responds with singing about all the work, suffering, starving, crying, and laughing they've done for the last 25 years. Tevye keeps persisting and Golde keeps answering with what they've gone through during those years of marriage. Then the light dawns. She realizes that yes, she does love Tevye. All that they've gone through, the good and bad times, all the hard work they've done together does mean that they love each other.

It's a beautiful message and very true to life. Marshall and I talked about how so many marriages fail today because people don't realize that love isn't always roses and chocolates, it's hard work. They want instant happiness and never a cloud to appear on their sunny horizon. Not a very realistic thought. No sticking it out when there is little food or many sacrifices required. No working together as a team and doing whatever is asked in life. Too often people want it to be all about "me". Don't ask me to sacrifice or go through hard times. I want flowers, music, poetry, and sweets every day. Don't burst my bubble with reality! Well, the truth is, life happens. There is no stopping it. Rough spots will come and need to be smoothed over or trudged through. Waistlines, hair lines, and bra lines will tend to move with time. (sad, but true. sniff.) If one puts their trust and hope of love in all the silly little superficial things, he'll/ she'll miss what love is all about.

Tevye and Golde teach a very important lesson. Real love is constant and unconditional. That means that conditions can change in our marriage, but you can still have love. It's holding your wife's hair while she succumbs to pregnancy nauseousness. It's living on a small budget and going without so you can help your spouse complete graduate school. It's being alone for long hours so your husband can work or serve the Lord. It's holding hands or stealing a kiss for the brief moment your kids are occupied. It's having a tickle fight or laughing over stupid things you did as newly weds. That's love and I'll take it any day over flowers, chocolates, poems, or pampering. (though I won't shy away from any such gifts!)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Common or Fashion Sense

A month or so ago I was listening to the country station (yes, I admit it. I love country.) and I heard the funniest comment, which also happened to be true. The announcer was doing a bit on summer fashions. At one point he was talking about tube tops, a clothing style I don't like, and he said "Tube tops. Now there is an interesting concept that has been beaten to death by fat people!" It made me laugh out loud because it's true.

Why do people, mostly women, lose all sense of self awareness when it comes to fashion? I can't tell you how many old and young women I have seen that just look plain scary. We just got back from the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar (which I will write about later) and saw some pretty interesting outfits. I don't want to be able to guess your bra size. I don't want to be able to count the cellulite marks on your legs either. I don't want all the details of your body. Please, just stop. Of course, we don't need to go to Cedar to see all of that. We can go to Wal-mart. Cedar just had more examples.

And what is with the form fitting shirts? I have seen so many women wearing them and the shirts don't do them any justice. Instead of flattering, it shows off all their rolls and pouches. Girl, a little bit looser shirt would make you look a billion times better. Buying a tight shirt when you are bigger is not going to make you look smaller. It just won't work. And just because it covers your whole top part of your body does not mean it is modest. Like I said, I don't want to know your cup size or bra brand. What are women thinking? I guess they are not. As I am getting further along in my pregnancy and getting bigger, I have been contemplating buying a new swimsuit. If I had no sense, or standards, I could buy a bikini. Stomach problem solved. And that would also keep the crowds away from me because they would run screaming in the other direction once they got a look at my stretch marks. Hello, people!

Here's a simple rule to follow, if you don't have the same body as the mannequin that is wearing the outfit, don't buy that tight shirt or those tight pants. Please, spare us all the pain of watching you advertise EVERYTHING you were blessed with. Let's make nice with fashion. Some sense of mystery can be a very good thing. PLEASE!!!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


As I was heading to play my most favorite computer game "Dyno-mite", I can across a MSN article entitled "Can a family eat on $100 a week?" It immediately peeked my curiosity. I had to read and see what the opinion was. You see, we've been feeding our family for less than a $100 a week since the beginning. We still do. So I had to know what "tips" were given and I wanted a good laugh because I found this so amusing. They made it sound like it was awful and so hard, but I don't think our menu at home is such torture. It just showed that we live in a world where people don't want to take time for things, like planning meals for family. We want instant everything. Don't make me work for it! Don't make me think too hard! In the trial there was a family of four who took the challenge to see if they could eat for $100 a week. This included any eating out, etc. So the mom sat down and did her planning. They did pretty well, only going over a little here and there. This quote made me chuckle:

"With a $100 budget, there's no room for error. Every meal and snack has to be meticulously planned, and the whole family has to eat it. In my case, with two adults, a toddler and a 4-year-old, that's a pretty wide swing."

I have to say "D'uh". Yes, cooking for a family does take some planning. Since we didn't start out with a huge budget when we first got married, I've become very used to planning out all my meals and there are some meals where our kids just don't eat a lot because they don't like the fare. Oh well. Such is life. I can remember being "tortured" as a child and having to eat nasty things, like hamburger soup, or starve. That's just part of growing up. But I didn't die from starvation and I don't think my kids will either. Plus, they learn to appreciate the food they have. I don't want to cater to my children at every meal. They need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them.

I also found this quote interesting about "food storage":

"Most people could reap the biggest benefits from stockpiling a few weeks' worth of items in their pantry or freezer when they see a good sale."

Isn't that what the church has been telling us for years? Stock up! Following that advice has saved our butts many a time when thing's got tight in school. It just makes sense. I can't fathom living any other way.

I don't feel oppressed or like my freedom has been taken away because I have to plan meals and (gasp) make things from scratch. I enjoy it. And it doesn't take that long. I know everyone doesn't feel the same way I do about cooking, but you can plan cheap healthy meals that take little preparation. It all comes down to attitude and motivation. Cooking can be fun. Meal planning can be fun. And it doesn't have to take time or consist of a diet of rice and beans. Just use your noggin and see what you can come up. Remember, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger. . . and save you some money!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hot Topics in our home:

First, the song "Another One Bites the Dust" is going through my mind as I write this. So many friends and family have started to blog and it never really interested me . . . until I tried it. Now I find it so fun and shoo Marshall off of the computer so I can play with my blog. Yes, I have bit the dust, I have become an addict.

So let's talk about hot topics in our home.

  1. Fireworks: They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Not so much in our home when it hits July. Marshall loves fireworks and Jimmy is following in his footsteps. When we bought fireworks for the 4th, Jimmy worshipped the package every morning after his breakfast. The children were all shocked and appalled that July 24th came and we didn't buy fireworks beforehand. But rest assured, we bought them today, the 24th. Now they are counting down the hours until we can do them tonight. I don't know what Jimmy is going to do once today is over and we have to wait a long time to do fireworks again.
  2. Who will be the next Food Network Star?: Yes, we love the Food Network and are addicted to this show. I don't know why I enjoy watching it because it is so stressful to see these people have to whip up meals under such amazing pressure. Perhaps I am just jealous of their talent. Who knows? All I know is that it is fun to watch. And I am so glad Nipa is gone and hope Lisa will follow too. We are also big fans of "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives". That guy has the best job because he gets to visit and sample food from places all over the US. Yes, as if we didn't like food enough, now we watch tv about it. I suppose one could have worse addictions.
  3. Superheros: We are big fans of the "Superfriends" in our home. Rachel is determined to be Green Lantern for Halloween. This concerns Anna since Green Lantern is a boy, but Rachel, always the rebel, could care less. Jimmy, of course, is planning to be Superman. As if there was any doubt. See, our kids are spazzes like their parents because it's July and they are already planning for Halloween. Anna is going to be Supergirl, but she is upset that her hero isn't a little bit more modest. Those princesses and super hero women need to be given a "For Strength of Youth Pamphlet" and have a talk with Anna. She is the modesty police.
  4. Which brings us to our next topic, Salvation: Anna is very concerned about people. When she sees someone doing something wrong, she is always asking "Mom, are they going to go to the moon or stars kingdom?" She wants everyone to live with Heavenly Father again and doesn't want anyone to do anything bad. She's the missionary.
  5. The baby: Will the baby be a girl or boy or even twins? Rachel is sure the baby will be a girl. She and Anna also think it would be cool if we had twins, a girl and boy baby so they each could have one to care for. Jimmy is confused by the whole idea and doesn't really understand how there can be a baby in my belly. He has no idea that he is going to be dethroned soon. Poor chap. I don't know how reliable the girls are when it comes to babies. They told me today that it would be cool if Heavenly Father sent us 100 babies. I'm thinking that's not such a grand idea. We find out the gender on the 31st, so weigh in your opinions!
  6. Stupid People: Marshall is the expert on this. Not because he is a stupid person, just because he deals with lots of them, especially in traffic court. "I was just following traffic". Hmmm. But he does get a good laugh out of them. And as bishop he also gets to deal with teenagers. I shudder to think about our children as teenagers. However, he does enjoy working with the youth. I've heard he's quite the expert at "Big Bootie" thanks to his trip to Girls Camp this summer. Anyhow, for stupid people stories, ask Marshall. He's got some doosies.
  7. Heat: I am beginning to wonder if St. George is good for anything in the summer besides growing weeds and cockroaches. Our battle with the backyard continues. It does look a lot better than last year. Curses on our previous owners for having a big dog! See, dogs are evil. We do have grass now and I think it might outnumber the clover. And cockroaches. Why do they exist? They are nasty and I hate them. Jimmy does enjoy finding dead ones outside and smashing ones that are dying. I just don't see the fun in them. My world is going to be cockroach free. Shudder.
  8. School: Only three weeks until school begins. Anna is so very excited to be in first grade and eat lunch at school. I'm sure I'll be the one having a hard time and she will be doing just fine. Anna has also been giving Rachel the low-down on preschool since Rachel will start in September. Anna, apparently, is the preschool expert.

Those are the hot topics in out home as of late. We have a lot to talk about and a lot of people talking. Sometimes it's hard to get a word in with all the kids talking and telling us things. We don't believe in children being seen and not heard. Well, at least our kids don't believe in it!