Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Recent Study: The world is stupid

My life would be very unstable and unbalanced if I listened to everything I read in magazines. Science and society can't seem to make up their mind for long about what is good and bad for us. Did you hear that now beer is beneficial for diabetes? Who knew? Never in a million years would I have put those two together. The best I just recently read is how pornography is good for men. That's right, despite religious leaders warning us of the pitfalls and destructive nature of this beast, "science" (aka popular opinion) now states it is great for men.

You see, men are designed to be more easily aroused. A basic understanding of biology would show that this is necessary for the human population to survive. This also means that men tend to think about sex frequently. That's just how their bodies are designed. This new study says since men are more "sexual" in nature, pornography is good for them because it feeds that huge "need". So go ahead and let your man enjoy his magazines or movies, and feel free to join in, because it is all in the interest of his well-being, or so this study claims. Kiss that self control good-by!

Wow. You know, it's also human nature for my 5 year-old to whack her brother when she fights with him so should I stop teaching my kids not to hit? After all, wouldn't it just be better to let them beat the crud out of each other since it is in their psychological make-up to be physical? Or what about house training pets? It's their nature to just do their business wherever they want to so why not just let your home become your cat's litter box? I'd be raising the next generation of prison convicts and pet owners would lost their homes to their pets and be living in the back yard. The results wouldn't be so pretty if we applied this ridiculous philosophy to everything else.

Thank goodness for the Gospel and a living prophet of God on the earth today so we can avoid such stupid and dangerous pit-falls. I have seen so much destruction caused by addictions to pornography. Families torn apart, men left without reason or sense after allowing themselves to become slaves to such a wicked master, and the list goes on. What do we hear about, at least in passing, at every General and Stake Conference? What has destroyed lives across the world and has been named one of the most difficult addictions to kick? And yet the world says, and will continue to say, that it's good for us? Allowing the man in your life to fantasize about other women is beneficial for your relationship and family how? Teaching men and boys to objectify women will be better for us all? I must be living in opposite world because I just don't see the logic.! Oh, wait. There isn't any.

Ah yes, just another reason to be grateful that I know the truth and hold fast to it with all my might. Life is so much more simple when you know who to listen to and who to ignore.

1 comment:

mathmom said...

So true Sue. But, I have to say that I think you may have been hanging around my kids too much. They are always telling me it is opposite world.