Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Now He Cares

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being alone in the car and listening to NPR, which made me feel smart to be able to learn a thing or two about what is going on in the world. As chance would have it, I had the wonderful opportunity to listen to a voice on the radio that makes me cringe because the man behind it has yet to do any good and has far too much power. Yes, dear friends, it was the voice of our beloved President Obama.

Thankfully it was a re-cap of his latest speech concerning the economy. I was glad to not be forced to listen to his entire magical presentation of malarkey. What I did hear made me laugh out of the pure irony of it all. President Obama was talking about our national debt and how we were all "in it together" and needed to pull together to get through this time and make things right again. In other words, don't hate him for driving our nation deeper into debt and accept that the spending spree isn't over.

I had to laugh because I didn't know we were all in this together. Really? You mean I had a choice when the government was writing checks faster than the speed of light? How silly of me not to know that! It seemed more to me like someone just snuck into my house one night and decided to have a party with my bank account. Not literally, mind you, but we'll have to pay for the careless government spending some day. If not us, then our children. And now that times are still tough despite all the dollars spent, it's up to me and everyone else to be strong and pull through? Right, because we weren't doing that before. I don't think so. Perhaps Mr. President should have thought about us little people before handing out cash faster than the strip club card dispensers in Vegas. We've been suffering all along so don't pretend like you're one of us because your little plan failed and people hate you.

But since we are all in this together, maybe President Obama will let me use Air Force One to take my honey to a Broadway show this weekend for Valentine's Day. No prob, right?

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