Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday Jimmy!

Somehow my guy known as Jimmy is turning 7 tomorrow. I can still remember when he was born in the wee hours of the morning, coming very fast before the doctor made it. The nurse who helped deliver him was as calm as could be and brought my beautiful little guy into the world with me. I remember the two weeks after he was born that he spent a few days in the hospital, sick as could be from a virus we never figured out. I remember that scary time, relying on faith and praying he would get better. And he did. I remember his healthy deep-voiced baby cries that surprised a few people with how low his voice could go. His little "Curious George" baby face. He was one busy little guy that wasn't happy unless he was in on the action or creating his own adventures.
And now he is 7, speaks more Mandarin than I ever will, creates all sorts of elaborate contraptions, equals his almost 9 year-old sister in height and will surely pass me one day, wears his heart on his sleeve, looks out for his young brother, and amazes me with his observations about the world around him. I love Jimmy. He is such a blessing to our family. He adds something that is all his own.
For his birthday he wanted a party, which he was too shy to do last year. We had a Bad Piggie party, which found me making invitations, elaborate cupcakes, and a pinata. But it was totally worth it just to see the smile on Jimmy's face.
 The invitations
 Cute pinata
 Creating their own Bad Piggie mobiles
 Blowing out the piggie!
 Good bye pinata!
Golden Egg spoon race

1 comment:

Robyne said...

Happy birthday Jimmy! I can't believe how much he has grown up. He is a great kid. I am wishing that we could go out and play in short sleeve shirts. It has been minus 10 degrees (average) for the past couple of weeks. So missing St. George!