Monday, February 11, 2013


Life has been crazy and so I haven't had the chance to blog. I've thought about it and have had some great Gospel insight ideas of things I have learned in my scripture study, but then I would rather spend my time snuggling with Marshall, reading M.C. Beaton books (she writes such fun amusing mysteries. I am a big fan of her Hamish McBeth and Agatha Raisin series.), playing with kids, or just catching my breath. Maybe one day, after the semester is over, I can write again.

We've had a few CES interviews and are waiting to see what happens next. Marshall is loving teaching early morning seminary and we all have survived. It really isn't that bad, but I know the kids, especially Jacob, miss him in the morning. It works out that I work at the school for an hour every day because most days Marshall can come home and watch Jacob for that hour. Jacob gets Daddy all to himself and love it. There is also a rumor that the Stake Presidency is looking for Marshall's replacement as bishop, but it's been a month and nothing new yet. We're not holding our breath, but we know the end is near and have mixed feelings about it.

Rachel had a round of having boils. She got an infected cat scratch on her back that turned into a boil. We got that one to go away, but then five more popped up. It was very painful and a nasty ordeal. It involved her having to go to the doctor and getting the boils lanced and cleaned out. She was in a lot of pain, but she stuck it out. Thanks to daily cleanings of her back and antibiotics, the boils are gone and are almost completely healed. Poor kiddo. I've never dealt with those before.

Marshall and I seem to be catching colds quite often. I am sure his lack of sleep, stress on both of us, and my being around kids daily doesn't help. But we are plowing through and our relationship has grown so much more as we have gone through this adventure together.

I got a new calling as Cub Master. Ha! Didn't see that one coming. But I am excited/ nervous. I know NOTHING about Cub Scouts, but I know a lot about fun. At least now I'll be knowledgeable when Jimmy becomes a Cub Scout next year!

This past weekend I participated in a duathlon. I had heard about it just a week and a half before it took place and was excited to try it. Biking and running, my two favorite things. I signed up to do the Sprint version, which consisted of 1.5 mile run, 12 mile bike ride, and then another 1.5 miles run. My good friend June let me borrow her awesome road bike that was so fast it kind of freaked me out on my test run. Of course, the week before I came down with a cold and was miserable until the day of the race. Somehow I found the energy to do it and completed the race, despite being congested and feeling like I was breathing under water and the cloudy drizzly weather. But it was an accomplishment that I wanted to check off and I am glad my family was there to cheer me on.

Maybe in a month I'll find the time to write another update!
The kids and I at the finish line of the Road Rage Duathlon

Rachel and her "Penelope" Valentine's mailbox she made


annjeanette said...

Poor Rachel. And parents really shouldn't be allowed to get sick! What the heck?

Where have the interviews been?

Mandy said...

You probably shouldn't wait another month. I can't stand the suspense about marshall's career change.

Boils????!!!! Wait until I tell Anne. She used to comment about thoses and goiters. Random Anne. Poor Rachel!!! Gross!

Ok, you go, athlete. I'm going to continue eating chocolates.....

jmm43 said...

Annjeanette, the interviews are all general interviews. SLC decides who they want to hire, and then if you are hired you go where they tell you. We've had one interview over skype with SLC, and one home visit. I've also had the powers that be come to my classes a few times. Fun.