Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I have been taking a break from running due to a muscle injury. Pretty lame, I know. Tell my body, please! But it looks like things are improving and I should be able to start running soon. There is something magical (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) when it comes to hitting the 5 mile mark. After a month of running it, my body starts to have issues. Last time it was a stress fracture. This time it was some muscle thing in my calf that I have no idea how to pronounce. Marshall says this is just another testament that running is in fact evil. Evil beyond evil. He can attest to this as he has finally let me buy him a decent pair of running shoes and has started to run with his friend. (Yes, he conceded to going to the Running Store with me and getting fitted. It was a miracle. He still hates running, but at least he has a friend to suffer with, right? This is no way something I forced him to do. He decided to get more active and has been losing weight. Go Marshall!)

Anyhow, since I can't run, I have been walking with dear sweet 70+ year-old Darci. She is one tough lady. She walks 5 miles every day, 7 days a week. And she used to be a runner. She keeps me going and I love it, minus the blisters that seem to constantly form on the back of my heels. But it has been so much fun walking with her and learning about her life. This is why I love history people. All the stories about people, places, and things. Stories of how people were shaped into who they are, facts of eras far gone, and a life that is so foreign to us. I love it! It has been great to walk with Darci and learn more about her. She is a dear friend.

As for Marshall, he is enjoying his new job. He goes to work every day and get paid to study the scriptures and be in meetings where they talk about the scriptures and doctrine. Unfair, right?! He is so happy and doesn't miss being a prosecutor at all. Gee, shocker! I love seeing him happy and earlier in the day. He leaves for work earlier in the morning, but gets home every day by 4. Um, this is odd, but nice. The first day he came home early I was worried something was wrong. He assured me that nothing was wrong, just that he was the last one in the building so he decided that it was okay to go home at 4. Who knows how it will be when the school year hits, but I am loving it now! Life has gotten much more simpler with the new job and lack of being bishop.

And now for a random picture.
The kids wanted to camp out tonight in our new tent. (Yes, we've been married almost 13 years and finally bought a tent. Amazing!) The girls were excited to put it to use after the boys had it at Father's and Sons. Forget the fact that it is still 90 degrees out at 8:30 at night. They want to sleep outside. It should be interesting tonight! But I remember being a kid and comfort and rationale meant little when it came to coolness and excitement.

And that is your random installment for now!


annjeanette said...

I hope you are healed and healthy soon! Does the walking not bother you like the running? Yea for Marshall. So happy to hear that he is happy!

Lempskies said...

Glad you are both liking his new job.

Mandy said...

I think I need to visit you again soon. Too bad you know I won't. hah! but seriously, I need to visit you because you are fast becoming strangers. A tent???!! You own a tent??!! Does that mean, you know, might consider going camping??!! Marshall went running???!!!! The thought makes me bust into uncontrollable laughter, especially since I can hear his voice and see his face when he calls it evil, like you wrote in your post miss you lots too. We're all dying of heat here. Got to 88 degrees. I bet you are jealous

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)