Saturday, July 27, 2013

Coming to an end

Only two and a half weeks left until school starts up again. Not that anyone is counting. Right.... I love my kiddos and it has been a fun lazy summer, but I think they all need to get their rears back to school as the fighting has increased and the boredom grown. I know it is hard living somewhere so hot that we are stuck inside most days unless we are doing something involving swimming. Seriously, it is this time of year I wonder why we live here, pay homage to the pioneers, bless whoever invented air conditioning, and curse cockroaches. Perhaps moving somewhere cooler wouldn't have been so bad after all. Ha ha ha!

I am nervous for school to start since Anna will be in 6th grade. What a wonderfully odd time of life where everyone's bodies change at different rates and everything is embarrassing. Plus now she has a retainer and pierced ears. She seems so old to me and, yet, she is still my baby. Marshall is excited for school to start. He has had enough of summer prep and reading and meetings for 8 hours a day. He still loves his job, but he is ready to teach!!!! And I am having fun decorating his room for the year. Bwhahahahaha!

And here are some more random summer pictures of our adventures.

Rachel teaching cousin Matthew how to properly attach a light saber to his pants. Jedi training!

Lots of sleepovers and partying with cousins! These one live in California.

A beach trip to Santa Monica while visiting some Cali cousins. Such a blast! Bad thing was Marshall's hat came off and he got serious sunburn on his head. Ouch!

Lego Super Hero Camp for Jimmy and Rachel for two days, all day. They had a BLAST!!!!!!

Cub Scouts Bike Rodeo for the Primary. Yeah, I rock. Actually, the St. George City Police rock because they did a fabulous job!

Torturing patient pets by dressing them up. Poor Riley!

Swim lessons. I love how Jacob jumps. So stiff!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Only 2.5 weeks left??!!! What??!! I feel like summer just started two weeks ago!

ok. cochroaches. you have me beat there. That may be worth complaining about.

some serious summer fun. I like the pics about lego camp