Thursday, August 22, 2013


The first day of school has come and gone. I would have posted pictures the day of, but somehow with three out of the four kids in school, my life is super busy. It may  have something to do with life just being more crazy as the kids have gotten older. Trips to the orthodontist, doctor, etc. for various children. It may be having to drive lunch to Marshall a few times since school started since he keeps forgetting to take it. It may be having Jimmy coming home early from school twice now because his tummy feels funky (anxiety?). It may be the little man who is now all alone with me and wants to play with me all the time. It may be working my little job at the school every day again. Who knows?! But it is busy.

Despite Jimmy's stomach churning oddities, the kids have enjoyed school without any big problems. Anna loves intermediate school. She was sold on it when she discovered that pizza was a daily option for lunch. I don't think she will ever pack lunch again! She loves switching in between classes, but is not a big fan of the whole having-to-change-in-the-locker-room-for-PE phase. Ah, puberty, everyone's bodies seem to be mutating and doing odd things at different times and emotions run high. You could not pay me enough to go through that phase of life again.

Rachel is enjoying 4th grade. She has told me school is boring, but that is nothing new for her. Hopefully once the gifted programs start up she will be less bored. She did injure her foot a month ago and is wearing a bandage to school every day, which is obnoxious, but gets her out of PE and that makes her happy. PE is boring, you know. It is safe to say that unless it involves Legos or cats, it will be deemed boring.

Jimmy is in his second year of the dual-immersion program and is enjoying 2nd grade. Mrs. Goodman's class store program actually has motivated him to read (cue clouds parting, sun rays shining down from heaven, and heavenly choirs.) It is truly a miracle. He WANTS to read. This requires sitting still. Those two things combined are amazing.

Jacob was like some evil little demon, dancing around the house a few days before school started and expressing his excitement over the fate of his siblings. He now has me all to himself. Bwhahahaha! His master plan has worked! Sadly, Mom still does boring things like chores and reading and what not. Jacob has become very helpful with feeding the cats, doing dishes, and spraying laundry. Preschool starts in two weeks and I am taking the time to enjoy the last year I have with him at home.

Marshall is having fun in Seminary. He teaches six classes total, over two days. He has awesome classes for the most part, but two in which the kids are either too cool to comment or just don't care. Ah, teenagers. Our future. Pretty scary sometimes when you see what kids are out there. But for the most part they are decent. He is enjoying firing them up about the Gospel and kicking their rears into gear.

Me? Well, I am loving being back at my job and seeing the cute kids at school. I am a hero to many and not powerful enough for some. I had one child show me that his sandwich had gotten smashed in his lunch and he wanted me to fix it somehow. Sorry, but I am not that powerful. I am also busy working on getting certified to become a Notary Public. Paperwork and fees galore, but it will be worth it to be able to notarize the wills and such Marshall still does on the side. I still walk 5 miles a day with Darci. Yes, my walking partner is over 70 and I pray that when I am that age I can be so active and speedy. And I have fun being Cub Master. Day camp is coming up soon! I feel so awesome that my calling has "master" in the title. I need a wand or crown or cloak or something to go with my uniform. Preferably a magic wand to either whack boys with or cast spells on them when they are turkeys.

Here are the first day pictures....


annjeanette said...

Seriously. HOW do they get so old so fast?! Rachel reminds me of Christian: I hear the word boring a lot as well. I am glad that you are busy. That always seems to make my days go better: when you have something you have to do. Jimmy isn't going to be so happy next year when its him going to school too. That happy dance will come back to get him. ;)

Mandy said...

I dare you to dress up as wonder woman and go to cubs. I'm sure you could work that in somehow. It goes with the word master. You are probably busy because you thought you would have all this free time with everyone in school. Miss y ou. Next move. St george. Hah!