Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Keeping Busy

I haven't been writing much as life has been a tad crazy. But here is what we have been up to:

- Marshall is keeping super busy taking a CES (Church Education System) training class Tuesday nights, teaching a law class at the local college Wednesday nights, and teaching an Institute class Thursday nights, along with his regular job and bishoping. Not to mention periodically teaching an early morning Seminary class at a local high school.
- I keep busy being Super Mom during it all and working my little job at the school. I really do enjoy recess duty. I get to see my kids and know the staff at school, not to mention see what goes on at the school during recess. I also keep busy with little projects and running/ biking. I ran a 5K last month and am doing the "Save A Sister" 5K in a few weeks. One day I'd still like to do a marathon.
- Anna loves 5th grade and her teacher. She is enjoying doing book reports and learning history. My kind of girl! She is continuing on with piano lessons as well.
-Rachel likes 3rd grade and math. Both girls are doing choir together this year and love it. Rachel started taking piano lessons and is liking it, but is very shy. We are not allowed to watch her practice, which is a total Rachel thing to demand. Hey, at least she is willing to play with his able to listen.
-Jimmy is amazing me with how well he is picking up Mandarin. The Dual Immersion program is wonderful. He is learning quickly and loves to show off how he can count to 100 in Mandarin and so forth. It gives him great confidence. I wish someone taught me a language when I was that age! Hopefully he can go on a mission to China because he will have the language down with this program.
-Jacob loves preschool and I love having some free time during the week. He is always so excited to go.  He enjoys learning about science, like dinosaurs and insects. I love how happy preschool makes him. He feels like one of the big kids. And he pretty much lives on his bike.

And that is what we have been doing. Hopefully I can put two thoughts together and write more often, but don't count on it.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

still sounds crazy to me. Soo...... essentially marshall isn't home. I still can't believe Anna is in 5th grade. Can't wait to see halloween pics!