Monday, July 26, 2010


There should be a law about getting sick after vacation. Of course, it is better than being sick on vacation. We spent the past week up in Aspen Grove for a wonderful McConkie Family Reunion with all of Marshall's siblings, their kids, and his parents. We had a blast!

And I would love to write about it and post pictures, but I feel like crap. It seems we all shared germs and are randomly coming down with a virus. I have to admit I am lucky so far as I have not puked or suffered from "other end ailments" like the rest. Plus I didn't have to fly back home across the country while sick like his sister with her twins and three year old. Thank goodness her husband was there to help and all went well! But it still stinks to be sick. I feel like I have been hit by a truck, leaving me with no energy and a spinning head. Not to mention dealing with crabby sleep deprived kids from said vacation who are stuck inside due to the heat. Ugh! And the million things I have to do since getting back. Or the fact that our garage door decided today it won't shut, but rather would bend in the middle. Are the stress gods trying to tick me off because they were already doing a good job? Yeah, I'm ready to quit. One mercy is my sweet Darci who watched the kids all morning while I rested. What would I do without her?!

I am alive and I will post pictures of our adventures once I start to feel human again.

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

Oh, Sue. I am sorry! That was me at the beginning of the month. And I, too, have way too much stress in my life. Nothing like an unplanned move to throw you for a loop, right? Wish I was there to help you out. Not fun. Hope you are all on the mend soon!