Thursday, July 29, 2010

Not how I want to be remembered

There are a lot of insane ways to prolong the memory of pregnancy, but "belly casting" is one of my top favorites. A cast is made of a pregnant woman's naked chest and torso. Then one can have a design of some sort painted on to the hardened cast and do with it as will.

I don't even know where to begin with all my issues with this idea. Why would anyone want to preserve this part of pregnancy? Yes, the creation of life is beautiful and it is neat to watch the change that comes to one's body as it grow and life thrives within. However, I don't think I want to remember what my breasts and stomach looked like at eight months of pregnancy. Um, not feeling beautiful here! You can paint as many flowers on it as you want, but my pregnant torso is not something I will ever want to show off. What kind of crazy person wants to memorialize and have everyone look at their naked pregnant self? Why not just walk around topless during pregnancy?! I suppose it's the same women who invite all relatives, male and female, when giving birth. It's a party! Sorry, but I prefer to have only those involved in the baby making to be the ones present at delivery.

And what the heck is one supposed to do with the cast afterwards? Hang it on the wall. As guests come into your home you can proudly point out your wife's naked pregnant torso cast, stylishly decorated, hanging over the fireplace. That will be a conversation starter for sure! Talk about awkward. Or maybe you can flip the cast over and use it to hold chips and dip. It would make a great bowl for handing out Halloween candy and uber creepy too! The options are endless.

Call me crazy, but I'd rather memorialize my pregnancies with pictures and, even better, the babies that come as a result. Sorry, but you won't see a cast of me in all my pregnant glory hanging in my house anytime soon.


annjeanette said...

C'mon Sue! Next time I am at your house, I totally want to see your pregnant belly hangin' on your wall!

Bonnie said...

Okay, so maybe I'm weird, but I can see why someone might want to do this. I wouldn't, personally, but I can see why someone would want a physical reminder of how they looked at the end of a pregnancy. I am always sad to lose the pregnancy belly and put away my maternity clothes and I like looking at pictures of myself when I was pregnant. There are a lot of fond memories for me included in that belly, so I guess I can understand why someone would make it a piece of art. I would definitely leave the nipples off, though. ;>)

Anonymous said...

My Favorite: Chips and dip or halloween candy bowl. You are to funny!!!