Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Tonight at bedtime I completely lost my patience with my kids, mainly sweet Anna, who is about as slow as New York City rush hour traffic when it comes to getting ready for bed. I love the girl, but she can  drag getting ready for bed into some epic adventure that leaves me shooting fire from my eyes and foaming at the mouth. Goodbye to those plans of being the calm sweet mom and say hello to the mean mom from Hades who is doing all she can not to unleash her full powers of darkenss.

I don't know what it is about bedtime that gets me, but it always does. I am fine putting down the kids who are all sweet and cuddly and kissy. Give me a million Jacob hugs every day. But it is the kids who fight me that drive me mad. I am sure part of it has to do with it being the END of the day, where my energy has been spent and all I want to do is sit down without anyone asking me for juice, telling me about the newest trick the cats did, or playing the piano over and over. Just give me some peace and a chance to gather myself. Any time taken away from that precious gem of rest just makes me scream.

Of course, I always feel like a fool when the situation is over and I realize I have yet again lost my temper. Not that I yell, but I've gotten myself worked up and angry and feel silly for having done so. Really, don't I know better? Does it really help the situation or magically get Anna to go to bed faster? (Only when the fire starts shooting out of my eyes.)

But then again, I am imperfect and thank goodness for that! If I had to be perfect now, bedtime alone would condemn me to the darkest corner of existence. Thank goodness for the knowledge that one day I can be perfect and, as long as I am trying to be better every day, there is hope for me. Hallelujah for knowing that my Father in Heaven and the Savior are perfect, and so, don't throw childish tantrums at me when I mess up. No shooting flames out of Their eyes if I refuse to go to bed. No, They are much more better than that, which gives me great hope of how I can become one day.

For now, it's just one bedtime at a time. Let's hope tomorrow we can avoid the foaming at the mouth.


annjeanette said...

I am glad to know that you are human, Sue. It makes me feel much better about myself. Love you! (And bedtime is the worst. Period.)

Stephanie Black said...

Jared is a champion staller at bedtime. He's such a night owl. Can't wait for early morning seminary with him . . . oh boy.

Mandy said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one that has certain buttons that get pushed. Me too. I hear you about being one minute past bedtime. It's like having to stay late at work unexpectedly and not because you decided to. I loved the airshow when the blue angels came here. Glad you guys got to see a cool one, too!