Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's really unfair

Recently, in family email, we had a discussion about life being unfair and that is just how it is supposed to be. We had some great insights shared and shown that life needs to be unfair for us to all fully take advantage of the Atonement. It got me thinking about things and how there really are certain parts of life that are just plain unfair and totally bug me. You thought you were going to get some spiritual post from me, but no, I'm just going to go off on the things I find unfair.

1. Muscles- why is it that I go to the gym on a regular basis, lift weights frequently, and yet only after months of this do my arms start showing some slight hint of muscle, when my husband plays racquetball off and on, doesn't lift weights, and still has much more definition than I do? Why is it so much easier for guys to get muscle? I'm not asking really why, I know why, but I still find it unfair. I have to run a marathon to get toned legs while my hubby can sneeze and build up his guns. Not fair!

2. Energy- how come my three year old can run non-stop all day and never tire, while I am beat by 1 pm? Not fair. I watch this little guy run up and down the sidewalk, jump off of the couch repeatedly, and still he has more energy to spare. Meanwhile, I hit a wall by the afternoon and am using all my will power to not fall asleep. If I could just bottle his energy for market, I would be rich.

3. Naps- why do little kids only get naps? I think Spain has it right. We all need to have siestas in the afternoon. What a big difference a power nap would make in my day. Adults get crabby too when they are tired.

4. Aging- what is up with body changes? Seriously, all of a sudden something stops working or functions differently with your body? Did anyone ask my permission for this to happen? Where's the memo stating at a certain date this new change will go into effect? No, it just happens and you have to try to figure out what on earth is going on and why. Not cool.

5. Eating- I remember being a teenager and throwing back all sorts of junk food, feeling fine, and not looking any different for it. Now it just isn't the same. I feel like my mom (ahhhhhhh!) because I remember her talking about some foods being "too rich" or "spicy" or "gassy". Since when is broccolli my enemy? Since when is pop or a decadent dessert too much? Why do I have that feeling of having a diabetic coma after eating some naughty treat? And why do those calories not magically disappear like they did in my youth? Not fair!

6. Gravity- You know where I am going with this one. Seriously, why? Wonder bras can only do so much. What we all need is a Miracle Bra.

7. Pimples- hey, if my body is going to act like it is older and no longer a teenager, then enough with the zits, people. Granted, they are not a common as they were in my younger days, but what is up with a random break-out or mondo zit? No, if my body is going to act "adult" then no more zits, period. Pick an age and stick with it!

Ok, so those are just a few things that bug me and are really, just plain unfair. Yet, with all of that and the changes that life brings, I wouldn't want my journey to be any different. Life just seems to be getting better and better the older I get, even if some things remain totally unfair.


annjeanette said...

I totally agree with everything you've just said!

Mandy said...

I don't think I should get started (as in adding to your blog list). And between you and Anne, there is no hope for me. Her with my hair and teeth and you with my clothes! It's a wonder we all remained friends through my teenage years.

I about died laughing at the prom dress comments. About all of them, but yeah, I do have to say the worst one was the tie die dress. So ugly.