Saturday, June 23, 2012


I really haven't been killed off by my hormonal daughter, who was mentioned in my last post. I've just been busy using every free moment I have to visit with family or draw.

Marshall's oldest sister, and her husband, have had the honor of being called as mission president in California. As they just entered the MTC today, we have been spending the past two weeks partying with them here before they were shipped off and became official. We've had the chance for everyone in the family to get together, minus a few working husbands and the sister who lives in Switzerland. And we've just played, chatted, and relaxed, trying to calm the nerves of the Halls before they head out on their adventure to California for three years. It has been a lot of fun for the kids to play with their various cousins and for them to be entertained. Plus I have enjoyed hanging out with Marshall's sisters because they are so much fun.

As for the drawing, I kind of stumbled upon a job as a free-lance illustrator through a friend who was working on a children's book for a client. She needed an illustrator and I was willing to give it a shot. Why not get paid for something I enjoy? So I spent many hours working on illustrations for the book. However, the bummer is the project has been cancelled by said client. Major lame-o. But the good thing is I still get some pay out of it, have pictures for my portfolio, and a whole new career path that I never even considered before. It's funny that I never thought of trying to be an illustrator because I love art so much and can do it from the comfort of my home, which means I can be here for my kids. Right now I am working on building up my portfolio and then am going to send submissions to various children's magazines and book companies who hire freelancers. It is a very exciting and scary process, but I am excited. We'll see how it goes!

Sorry for not posting more, but it's just been busy. And hot. Really hot. Living in St. George in the summer does make me crabby. One should not sweat as much as we do here. It's just not appealing. I would have been one crabby pioneer.


annjeanette said...

You would have been a great pioneer! I love the heat, so that is one thing I wouldn't have been bothered with as a pioneer. Now the lack of a shower ... that would be a different story!

I am thrilled for you for your drawing options. How fabulous. Keep me posted because that is just awesome!

Mandy said...

Wow, sue. Drawing is waaaayyy better (and more lucrative) than blogging. I'm excited for you! Now I have you and Aut to hold my breath for with them publishers.

Marshall has a sister old enough to be a mission president? And one that lives in Switzerland? Oh wait, Marshall is old enough to be a bishop???!! Anyway. Enough about that in the fam. But why are you going to disneyland and not switzerland? Hahahaha!

So. I remember Marshall commenting on the fact that we went camping with the babies voluntarily. Yep. That was fun. Toddlers transitioning out of naps, now that was less fun. I can understand why you guys might opt out of camping trips.

May you not blog for a bit. And come to Seattle where I'm freezing my butt off with yet another 55 degree weekend of rain. It'd be such an awesome time for you to visit me. Maybe next summer when you are rich!