Thursday, June 7, 2012

What happened to my sweet daugther?!

I've heard tales about such a thing called the "tween years", girls becoming overly emotional, dramatic, and completely unreasonable. And whenever I came across such stories, I thanked my lucky stars that those years were far off.

Well, at least those years seemed in the distant future, but now I find myself with a ten year-old daughter and wondering who in the world she is. What happened to my sweet girl and who is this child that is unloved by the world and sorely picked upon by her parents? Nothing ever seems to go her way. Her siblings don't treat her fairly and the cosmos have alligned to prove her utter misery. The other day my poor picked upon girl made out a list of all the things we have done this summer and categorized them according to her desire to do them. There were two columns, one containing the things she had wanted to do and the other filled with the activities her siblings picked that she was forced to go along with. Such horrible unspeakable things like going for a bike ride or the park and even a visit to the newer aquatic center when she had wanted to go out to lunch. Oh the horror! The true misery of her predictament! Someone call Child Protective Services!

I had to do my best to stifle my laughter when handed the above list. I had no idea I had been torturing my daughter in such cruel ways. How can I call myself a good mother?!

If this is what happens at age ten, I am doomed. Thank goodness I have Costco size bottles of Tylenol in my cupboard because I am surely going to need them.


annjeanette said...

You mean mother, you! How can you even get out of bed in the morning, knowing that you are just torturing your daughter? :)

Mandy said...

good luck, sue. That is, good luck for the next 10 years. Glad you're first. Maybe I'll get a few tips from you.

Maybe Rachel should give Anna her angry birds shirt.