Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keep me obscure

I am so glad I am not a celebrity. My sister-in-law pointed out, in response to my last blog, that Christian Bale has been in the news before for having a "tantrum". I had no idea. The crazy thing was that it happened a few years back and my s-i-l was able to send a link with the words that were said during the drama. The internet is a scary thing. So is being a celebrity.

I don't know about you, but I am sure glad the world is not interested in me at all. No one is taking pictures of me and judging what I wear, how I look, or what I say and do. If you are, that is just creepy and you really need to grow up. But celebrities rarely are allowd any privacy. If your marriage breaks up or your kid is an idiot, watch out because everyone will know about on  a matter of minutes. Ugh! I'll pass.

I don't need the public to document my good and bad moments. My kids do a good enough job of reminding me when I mess up. And I don't want people to be able to search out my mistakes and have them written word for word. My kids do a good enough job of reminding me of when I have messed up. I don't want a camera in my face, following my every move. I can understand why some celebs go whacko on the press. I don't condone it, but I can understand it. Give me obscurity, quiet, and simplicity.

Sure, the paycheck of a celebrity would be nice, but the price they pay in return is just not worth the riches.

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