Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ryan Lochte- TMI

I normally don't pay attention to the moral side to most Olympic athletes because we really don't hear about their lifestyles outside the arena. But sometimes the press likes to dig out information or the athlete is open about his choices and the public learns more than they bargained for.

This year I was excited to see Ryan Lochte have a chance at getting some medals. Last Olympics he was overshadowed by Michael Phelps and his amazing success. This year I was excited to see Locthe bring home his own gold.

Um, that was until I learned about his relationships, or lack thereof. Now I just want to puke. For some reason his mother has shared with the press that, "He goes out on one-night stands. He's not able to give fully to a relationship because he's always on the go." Gross. Why couldn't she have just said the latter, that he is too busy, than the former, that he has one night stands? Does she not care for his public image? Does she think telling us about his one nighters will make him look more manly and studly? Is she trying to scare off potential girlfriends? And how or why does she know that he has all these one night stands? What's the deal here? One thing she has shown is that she herself isn't a very classy lady or takes much thought about morals.

Lotche has already told us plenty useful things about himself, in a recent Women's Health interview. He likes his women with fit bodies and has a crush on Carmen Electra. Whoa! Right there is reason to question the man's sanity. Has anyone seen her? That right there tells us a lot about the depth of his character. Lotche also states he likes sex with the lights on, sleeps in the nude, and if he is interested in a lady, he'll "give a wink and come back later because it keeps her thinking." Wow. Um, no lack of confidence there.

I'm sorry, but I REALLY didn't need to know about Ryan Lochte's sexual escapades or how he prefers to sleep and have sex. TMI! I was more interested in his athletic performance as he is representing my country at the Olympics. But now he has made it public and seems to not be ashamed. Talk about EGO. What a horrid job he is doing of being a spokeperson for the USA. Sure, he is a great athlete, but he is showing he has no morals and doesn't care who knows about it. Not only that, but what about all the young fans and children cheering him on? Not the kind of role model I want for my children, thank you.

Mr. Lotche, I am not impressed. I am digusted. We didn't have to know those details about your life. Why couldn't you and your mom find some morals or at least have the sense to keep what happens in the bedroom in the bedroom? I don't think you are a stud, I think you are a slut and am ashamed you have decided to represent my country in such a way. Call me harsh, but you should know better Mr. Lotche.


annjeanette said...

I completely agree. My respect for him also went down when I read all of this. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I had know idea! I was rooting for him to win over Phelps, but now, ughhh...