Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget

I still get goosebumps every year when we watch videos about September 11th. All those emotions go rushing through me. I remember being scared. Scared about what was happening and what the future would hold. I had barely found out I was pregnant with Anna and wondered what kind of world she would grow up in. I was so glad no one I loved was hurt and cried for those who had lost dear ones. I could not imagine being pregnant and losing my husband, like others did that day. I just wanted to hold Marshall tight and never go outside again.

But years have passed and times have changed. Things may not be perfect in this country, but we're still here kicking, proving that we are made of something stronger. Something that cannot be taken away by those twisted men who attacked our country all those years ago. 

Last night for Family Home Evening, we talked about September 11th with our children. We watched some videos of the coverage of that memorable day. And we talked about all that happened. It shocked my kids to know that there are people out there who hate us and are raised to hate us with such insane passion that they would do something like fly airplanes into buildings to kill thousands of us. But I loved what my sweet 10 year old daughter said in return to such anger. "But they can't knock us down. We're stronger than that. We're Americans!" So very true. If history has proved anything, it has shown that Americans are tough and we will fight for our freedom. We WILL not forget!

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

I love Anna's attitude!