Thursday, September 20, 2012

Something's afoot

I am pretty sure there is a magic force field around Anna's bed that makes it physically impossible for her to stay in bed. As soon as she gets into bed, it must just bounce her right back out. I know this because I can hear the creaking of the floor above my head almost every night when I try to relax after the kids are in bed. Somehow the other children have escaped this phenomenon.

The force field must also have magical powers that trigger the investigative part of her brain because Anna always comes out of her room with questions to ask. "What is for school lunch tomorrow?", "Where all the cats?", "Why were you so mean and got upset when I repeatedly disobeyed you at dinner?", "Why are you getting angry now?, and so forth. It is amazing the amount of questions that come out of her mouth.

Surely Anna isn't stalling going to bed. I mean, it is almost a nightly occurrence. There really must be some mystical powers at work. There just must.


annjeanette said...

Then it must be the same magic powers at our house too. What the heck? Don't they know how good they have it? People telling them to go to sleep?!

Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of parenting. Just wait till the teenage stage. Hailey has hit it early. Three kids going through puberty at the same time is killing me. The emotions.....oh the emotions.