Tuesday, November 13, 2012

School Pictures

I just took my own picture of this guy since he doesn't get school pictures just yet. I love him. He is so crazy and busy. He keeps me on my toes. He is full of questions about the world around him. And he loves to be outside all the time. I love his smile. He is a ray of sunshine and such a treasure!

How did she get to 5th Grade?! Anna is turning into such a beautiful young woman. She is growing up and becoming more aware of the feelings of those around her. She is a great help and has a big heart, always looking out for the underdogs. She has a strong sense of what is right. She is a doll!

I love my crazy hyper Jimmy. Somehow he is in 1st grade. Despite the fact that I don't think he can sit still, he has learned an amazing amount of Mandarin in the Dual-Immersion program. He is so proud of his new language skills and enjoys showing them to everyone. He wears his "heart on his sleeve" and can be very tender at times. I love my cute snuggle guy.

Rachel never ceases to amaze me. Now that she is in 3rd grade she has started choir, even getting her big sister to join her. Rachel is so tender. She gives me hugs when she can tell I am stressed. She looks out for our cats and gives them lots of love. She loves to make friends. She is a beautiful girl with a great sense of humor. I love my sweet Rachel.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

who does Jimmy look like? I still can't figure that one out