Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So soon?!

Somehow Jacob will be turning four in December. I know he is growing and has been on this earth for almost four years, but I really think the time has gone at an abnormally fast speed. I really do feel cheated here. And yet, there are days when I wish he would grow up a little faster. Those moments usually come after he has created some new mess or had a melt-down over something. But really, I am not ready for him to grow up.

He is my cuddle bug. Seriously, we have "cuddle bug" time during quiet time where we sit together in the recliner and snuggle. i don't think I could kiss his chubby little cheeks enough. He is so sweet and tender and also so crazy. I love watching him learn and hearing all about preschool. He is full of so many questions, which I am often unable to answer as we delve deep into philosophy. How does Heavenly Father travel to earth? Really, how does He do it?

And I love the things he says. Annoyed at Marshall singing while he was trying to watch a show, Jacob told him that if he didn't stop singing then Santa wouldn't bring him (Marshall) any presents. Love the logic! The boy never wears shows when he goes outside, even if it is 8 AM in the morning and 40 degrees. I asked him if he was cold the other day and he replied that he wasn't because he has "fire" in his feet that keep them warm. Aha. Or how about the question as to whether or not Heavenly Father created Lego people. After all,  He did create real people so why not Lego people?!

Jacob is a ham and I am hope he will keep entertaining us through the years. I love my little guy!

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