Sunday, February 16, 2014

Angry Birds Blue & Gold

I love my calling. I never thought I would love it as much as I do, but I think I have one of the funnest callings in the church.

Last year I was called as Cub Master right before the Blue & Gold Banquet. (Amazingly, I didn't kill our bishop at the time.) Since there was little time to plan, I just went with what had already been decided and did my best to do my calling that I was clueless about. But in the back of my mind I knew what I wanted to do the following year for the banquet.

It took some planning and making of various decorations, but we pulled it off and it turned out to be an awesome success. We had an Angry Bird themed banquet. To save on the budget, I made the decorations that I got ideas for from the Internet. We had our traditional pizza dinner with home made root beer and kept it all low key. It was great!

We started the banquet with letting the boys decorate cakes, one for each den. It was all done in true boy style with lots of candy and scary colors. The boys had a blast. Then we had our dinner and a little program, followed by playing a real Angry Birds game. I had had my leaders save empty food boxes and containers and had one team stack them up and hide stuffed green piggies in them. I had the other team us a sling shot to launch stuffed Angry Birds and plastic balls at the box structures. It was awesome and everyone had a great time.

I love my calling as Cub Master. It is a blast. And I am even more excited to have my Jimmy in the program now as well. Cub Scouts is all about the boys.

Cake decorating. Love the colors!

Stacking boxes for the game.

Rachel and Marshall launching Red

Table decorations and coloring sheets

Food table


Robyne said...

How fun. You did a great job!

Lempskies said...

Scouts was a lot more fun than I thought it would be too.

Looks like a fun blue & gold. Good job Creative Mama.