Friday, February 7, 2014

Jimmy's Birthday!

I realized I never posted pictures of Jimmy's birthday for those of you who don't do Facebook. Man, what a nice mom! Jimmy had a great birthday. Darci took him out to lunch the Saturday before his birthday, then we had his party at the karate studio, and dinner out at a Chinese buffet. Jimmy was so excited to speak to one of the waitresses in Chinese, but then clammed up when the chance came. Our waitress was more than happy to speak with him.

Monday, his birthday, was also Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Jimmy thought it was so cool that school was closed just for his big day. We all know how much Jimmy loves school. (insert sarcasm). We celebrated by going on an awesome hike with Marshall's parents and  his brother and wife and their kids. Then a bonfire at Grandma's followed by a bbq. Sweet! Jimmy had a great day.

Ever the inquisitive mind, Jimmy got a big book with "5,000 Facts about Everything", a science kit to make glow-in-the-dark stuff, a BB gun (which he picked out to buy with his birthday money from all his grandparents), and more wax for his Hot Wheels car maker. Needless to say, there has been a lot of experimenting and what not going on around here ever since.

Since he is now 8, aside from getting baptized, which you already read about, Jimmy is now a Cub Scout. I held Cub Scouts at our house this past week to introduce all our new little Wolves to the program. They were so cute and excited. I have caught Jimmy reading his Wolf book throughout the week, anxious to learn more about scouts. It makes my calling as Cub Master even that more awesome to see the boys so excited to join.

Anyhow, we love Jimmy and he is a part of the family. Whether or not he survives the next 8 years and all his experiments is still debatable!

 Cutting the cake with a Samurai sword

Minecraft Legos! (I don't understand the big deal about that game)

The big book on everything!

Love this shot of him from our hike.

 Happy Birthday!


annjeanette said...

I also do NOT understand the big deal about that game...

Mandy said...

What??!! you HIKE now??!! I'll know the world has frozen over if you pass up Disneyland. And anna looks so much like the sue I remember meeting when we first were in college. Ugh. Still another sign of significant aging