Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kids.... they can drive me nuts, but I do love them

This is a random blog about my kids and the things they say and do that amuse me. I have other more inspiring ideas to blog about, but I am too lazy to use that kind of mental power after all.

-Jacob has been fascinated by Heavenly Father and how much He knows. Jacob has also decided that Jacob knows as much as Heavenly Father. Jacob says he also knows as much as our karate instructor. Who knew? I guess Jacob doesn't suffer from any ego issues.

- I am pretty sure the character of Flint Lockwood from the "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" movies is based on Jimmy. Jimmy has a brilliant mind, always learning, absorbing facts and wanting to know how things work. He is constantly taking things apart. He is a smart kid. And he constantly cannot find his shoes. I am sure Jimmy, like Flint, will one day discover how to make permanent shoes so that he will never lose them again. He will be our mad scientist that makes some huge discovery. It won't be too hard since Jacob already calls Jimmy a "scientist" and, as we already discussed, Jacob does know everything.

- What happens to girls at around age 11 that causes them to take FOREVER in the shower and getting ready? It's not like there is make-up to be put on, legs to be shaved, or hair to be dried. So why does getting ready in the morning take so long? What does one do in the shower for 25 minutes? I mean, I like a hot shower or bath as much as the next person, but I also like to not be a prune. And how is it my fault one is late for the bus when said person is the one who took forever getting ready? What has caused this mysterious change in my otherwise sweet daughter? Will we ever get her back?!

- Marshall and I have started this fitness program called "Just 6 Weeks". It is designed to help one improve their sit-ups, push-ups, squats, etc in just six weeks. The cover of the app looks like this:

My girls have Kindles and their accounts are connected with Marshall's. They had seen this picture for a few weeks. They asked this week if they could start the program with us and so we got it all set-up on their Kindles. And they were amazed that this picture is the cover of the app. Why? Because when they saw the picture on their Kindles, weeks ago, they thought it was the cover to a book I was reading! Right... because I always read books with naked men on the cover. Seriously?! What do they think of me? We had a good laugh over that.

- I find it amazing that my other daughter seems to be haunted by a ghost. It does no harm to her, just the people around her. Someone will get hit, kicked, or punched and she has no idea how it happened, even though she was the only other person around. Conclusion: it must be a ghost.

Despite it all, I love my monkeys. They keep me laughing, crying, and on my feet!


annjeanette said...

Shayla sounds just like Anna. Grrrrr.....

Mandy said...

hahahahahahahahahaha! I'm still laughing about your comment about how you always read books with naked men on the cover. I'm laughing because I can completely hear in my head you saying that and your facial expression and everything.