Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jimmy's Baptism

Today was a very special day as it was Jimmy's baptism day. I cannot believe he is 8! He was so excited/ nervous for his big day. He did a wonderful job and it was great to have his father baptize him. I really cherish having a worthy priesthood holder in the home.

We had a lot of friends and family show up for the baptism, including neighbors, cousins, grandparents, aunt and uncle, Primary teachers, and even school teachers. Yes, both of Jimmy's school teachers came and gave him gifts. His one teacher gave him a $2 bill, not to spend, but to use as a bookmark in his scriptures so that he can remember that, just like the $2 bill, his scriptures are rare and precious. His sweet Mandarin teacher gave him the Book of Mormon in Mandarin. She even wrote her testimony in the inside, but Jimmy will have to keep learning Chinese to decipher it. What special gifts and wonderful teachers!

Jimmy's Granddad McConkie and Marshall both were able to bear testimony and teach some doctrine. It was wonderful. Granddad talked about how Jimmy now has been reborn and is new. Also how he has to think of others now. Marshall paid Jimmy a tender compliment by telling him that he is the most giving person he knows and Marshall knows Jimmy will not have a problem thinking of others. It is very true. Jimmy has a heart as big as his endless appetite and is always giving up things for others.

It was a beautiful special day and I am so glad we could share it with friends and family. The Gospel is true and no greater happiness can be found than through living it.


Robyne said...

Congratulations Jimmy! What a wonderful day.

annjeanette said...

That is awesome! What a special day!