Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Insight For Old Advice

In the past, probably last week, whenever I would get discouraged about not having something in my life, whether it be material or otherwise, my husband would tell me to count my blessings. I would grumble at him because I was in no mood to think about what I did have since I was too busy moping about what I did not have. You know the routine, life is unfair and no one has it as bad as you and don't try to convince you otherwise.

When I've counted my blessings in the past, I've always felt better by the end because I see all that I have and realize how blessed I am. But lately I have come to recognize further wisdom in this simple exercise. When I am bitter about what I don't have, my focus is on that one thing I want and I have blinders on to everything else. Not only do I overlook the blessings I do have, but also I fail to see the "tender mercies" that let me know my Father in Heaven is aware of me. With my focus elsewhere, I miss out on those spiritually strengthening and building opportunities.

We've had a few trials as of late and I have often gotten frustrated with the time it is taking to resolve some of them. (As I have mentioned numerous times, I am not a patient woman.) It seems as though sometimes it will never end, and I know some won't, and that the Lord has completely forgotten about me because He does not lift my burdens. That kind of thinking is wrong and is where I get into trouble. Since my eyes are looking at only my one desire, I fail to see all that is happening around me. Perhaps the Lord won't take away my trial, but He will work through other people and His own devices to let me know He loves me and knows my struggles well. He is waiting to lift my burdens, just not in the ways I expect or look for.

It has been amazing and humbling as I have taken the time and effort daily to be in tune with the Spirit more (which one cannot do when bitter) and notice the Lord's hand in my life. From my simplest needs or desires on to grander dreams, He is aware of me and He lets me know in small and simple ways. To realize that is overwhelming and makes me see what a fool I am when I doubt and rant about all my trials and the Lord not caring.

The next time you are feeling "picked upon" or as though you are alone, try counting your blessings. You'll quickly see all the Lord has given you and learn that He is aware of your trials and joys. You may just be focusing in the wrong place and miss seeing it.

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