Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why Some Women Need To Be Hit With My Purse

The first time I heard the term "better than sex" was when I was a teenager. We were visiting my mom's friend and she told us we HAD to try Dove chocolate ice cream bars because they were "better than sex". Being an innocent teen, I was curious as to how good these bars actually were. After trying one I remember thinking "Well that sucks. It was good, but it was an ice cream bar. Is it really bts?" Not to mentioned being grossed out because I knew about my mom's friend's sex life. Ick! Then I vowed never to become someone who would let her intimate life be topped by a food item and never to compare something so beautiful and intimate to something so common.

It has amazed me over the years how I have heard this term, used only by women, to describe various decadent desserts or other supposedly amazing experiences, like getting a face massage, to be better than sex. Really? Why do they suppose it is acceptable to publicly compare their sex life to something? That just isn't right. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and men went around talking out how last night's football game or steak at Texas Roadhouse was totally "better than sex". The cries of outrage from their wives would be heard all over the nation. They would be labeled as insensitive jerks for judging their women's bedroom performances. It would be ugly.

Why do women think it is okay for them to publicly ridicule their husband's performance? It's one of those stupid double standards of some women that makes me want to whack them over the head with my purse. With "New Moon" coming out there has been a lot of drooling and ogling going on by women over the shirtless Jacob and glowering Edward. Some have even commented about how their husbands need to step up the game in the bedroom to compete with these young muscly heart throbs. Are you kidding me? Again, someone needs to explain to me why women feel it is acceptable to talk openly about their sex lives and entertain these lustful thoughts. Oh yeah, you can't explain the rationale to me because it isn't right. D'uh!

What would one of these women do if their husband came home from watching a movie and raved on and on about some sexy young actress and how their wife needs to work-out more, get a boob job, and some highlights to keep him from turning his head. Death, destruction, and mayhem would be unleashed, or at least that man would be sleeping outside without any hope of reconciliation in this life. Women wouldn't stand for it. So why do it to men? It's a perversion, cruel, and just plain old wrong.

Not to mention the fact that is brings your marriage down to a base level. It should be taboo to talk about your intimate relationship with your spouse. You'd think women of the LDS church would know better since the doctrine teaches it is sacred and holy. Seriously, maybe your sex life would be better and your marriage happier if you didn't blab about it to everyone. Perhaps you could try talking about it to your husband instead, since he is the other half of the relationship. It does take two to tango, you know.

When it comes down to it, there is something seriously wrong with you if you start rating your intimacy with your spouse based on desserts. There's something wrong with YOU if you start comparing your spouse to someone else on the movie screen or in real life. These are the seeds of infidelity. If you want your husband to treat you like a queen, then start treating him like a king. Keep what goes on in the bedroom in your bedroom and between the two of you. No one else. Please, save us all from gagging and spare us your feelings on your sex life. We aren't the ones who need to know. Your husband is.


Anonymous said...

Those people who compare chocolate and other things to their sex life must obviously be telling everyone of their own bad performances. I don't think I would want to brag about that! :)

MyDonkeySix said...

Amen sister! Funny how they don't realize that!

Sarah said...

You are refreshing, Sue :) Your post reminds me a lot of the book "And They Were Not Ashamed," which is something any LDS couple should read. Good one. So should that famous carmelly chocolate cake be renamed? Better than Shopping cake? :)

Stephanie Black said...

That's SO true about the Twilight frenzy--it boggles the mind to imagine how offended wives would be if their husbands started drooling over some hot actress and comparing her to their wives.