Monday, January 25, 2010

Embrace the "Mom body"

I am sure you all have heard someone complain after a meal that they shouldn't have had that last piece of pie, cookie, cupcake, etc. because now they are stuffed and will regret the caloric consequences later. Women are especially hard on themselves and their appearance, which means we like to beat ourselves up whenever we eat something sweet, greasy, carb-filled or good. We feel guilty for indulging ourselves because, for some reason, that's bad in our minds. We notice every change to our bodies like that tiny pimple, wrinkle, stretch mark, or flake of skin. Nothing escapes our hawk-like eyes.

I had a bit of an awakening the other day when I was pondering the above. You never hear any sane person say "You know, I really shouldn't have had those last two kids. They did a number on my body. That first one was okay, but I'd have skipped those last two in order to keep my small hips." Of course no one would say that. It's extremely calloused and heartless. Yet how often do women tear themselves down because of the lingering physical affects of child bearing? Stretch marks galore, a less firm chest, that pool of skin that once was a stomach, and so on. It's one thing to exercise and get back in to shape, but it's quite another to bemoan the fact that our bodies will never be the same again. Do what you can to feel good about yourself and accept what won't ever change back! You brought life into the world, of course your body went through a lot of changes. But was it worth it? Would you give up one of your kids in order to have a few less stretch marks or a more perky chest? The answer had better be a resounding "no!".

I cannot imagine life without sweet happy Jacob, affectionate inquisitive Jimmy, fiery adorable Rachel, or studious glamorous Anna. I honestly don't love my road map of stretch marks or that doughy middle that was once a flat stomach. I like to keep in shape because it makes me feel good. But I also know that I've had four kids and there are going to be some permanent affects because I am no Elasta Girl. I've come to accept and move beyond those issues. Is it really worth focusing on or getting upset about? Love your "mom body" and what it has been able to accomplish. Get over what you don't like.

After all, would you really trade in the experience of motherhood just to have a few less stretch marks?


judy said...

Thank you for your "Mom Body" essay. I am fighting the "mom-Grandmom Body" for way too long. My New Years resolution is to stop complaining about it and do what I can, and forget it. Judy

judy said...

Hey, I just read about your 2010 goals and writing for the paper. You can do it! St.George & environs need a dose of your intelligence, thoughtfulness and wit. Go for it!

annjeanette said...

And, Sue, this is why I love you. You are priceless. Thanks for the reminder.