Monday, June 28, 2010

Can Laundry Be Sexy?

Have you seen the recent ads for the Downy Simple Pleasures fragrance line? There is one ad, that I couldn't find a picture of, with a woman in a strapless dress and a man behind her kissing her neck with the following quote: "Staying in is no reason your alluring side shouldn't come out. . . from alluring to serene, daring and beyond, you can feel more."

Seriously? Where is the cute little fuzzy Snuggle bear? Give me him over this junk any day of the week. Please! Using sex to sell laundry soa? I'm sorry, I really am, but your love life must be pretty pathetic if you start using Downy Simple Pleasures to spice things up and "feel more". Well, to be honest, when I do laundry I simply have to fight my husband off. The smell of our detergent just drives him wild with passion. It's amazing the laundry ever gets done! Sometimes we hire a sitter so we can bust out the laundry soap and have a real good time! Because, you know, good smelling fabric softener and detergent is so sexy.

Um, I think the advertisers have gone a little too far with this one. I don't care how good their product smells, Downy is not going to get me to buy it in the hopes of seducing my husband. Instead, they're just going to make me laugh really hard. There isn't anything sexy about laundry, period.

1 comment:

judy said...

Oh my gosh Sue! Your post was a riot!! I was laughing out loud at my desk picturing Marshall chasing you around the laundry room! You are too funny and you are right on with your criticism of advertizing today. They need to get real for heaven's sake. Keep up the great critiques.