Friday, September 9, 2011

My Jacob

I don't think I have had a more pleasant child than Jacob. He is so happy, friendly, and outgoing. Not only does he look like his father, but he acts like him too. It has been so fun to have him all to myself these past few weeks since school started. Potty training him has been as good as it gets. He loves being a big kid and is so proud of himself. He thinks peeing while standing up if the coolest thing. He'll run out back and drop his pants if ever the urge hits him. Thankfully, he mostly goes in the potty, but every once in a while he likes to bond with nature. I noticed today while he was outside playing he pulled his pants down, watered the lawn, and pulled them back up. Although I am happy for his independence, I hope the grass can survive such freedom. Yet I can't imagine Jacob doing anything different than that. He has a huge personality and is all boy. What a cute little nut!

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