Monday, September 19, 2011

Still booted

I am not a patient person and I know that is why the Lord sent me Jacob and my boot to deal with at the same time. I really must be impatient because my patience is being tested to the highest level.

For those who have asked, I still have my cursed boot on and will for another month. My doctor told me it takes at least 6 weeks for a stress fracture to heal. So my visit with him last week was more of a "how is it going?" type thing. Sigh. A month longer with the boot?! Seriously, this has been my own personal hell. I thrive on activity, being able to exercise, and chase around my toddler. Having this heavy boot clamped on my leg is killing me and dragging my spirits down. I feel like I am going to go insane. But I keep reminding myself that it'll be worth a healed leg.

Have you ever met Jacob? He has this way of making me feel like such an inadequote mother because he has me running non-stop and even then I only can catch him 1/3 of the time. This morning I took him to help me make copies at school for Kindergarten. During the process he found it a great game to shove little pieces of paper into the copier to "help", which caused paper jambs. He also put a Pull-up in the washing machine, spreading gooey gel-like stuff all over the clothes. All in one hour! I love that sweet boy, but wish he wasn't so curious.

But I am learning. It's a tough road, but I am trying to get it into my head that I can let some things slide and give myself a break as I heal from this injury. It's just hard for such a busy person to do! Hmmm, I wonder where Jacob gets it from?!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I wished I lived closer so that I could come and take that cute little Jacob for the afternoon. Who said patience is a virtue? I don't think they got it right! Thinking of you!

annjeanette said...

Hang in there! Every day gets closer to you being done!

I totally hear you about Jacob. As you know well, Emma is his evil twin!