Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A whole new phase of life

It's funny how with all the kids, minus Jacob, in school I thought I'd get more done. Ha! Real life never slows down. Plus it seems I never get to do what I want, mostly because of my silly boot. Only two more weeks until I have my check-up. Please can I get it off? I hope!

The biggest news is that we are getting a pet. I am sure we are insane, but what can I say? Our neighbor has a cat that had four kittens. Our kids love them and visit them as much as possible. It has actually helped them get over their fear of animals. So much so that they have been begging for a kitten. Seriosuly, begging and pleading and more begging. Sweet motherly Rachel was the worst. She really really wants a kitten to love and let us know over and over again. Marshall and I both grew up with cats and so weren't opposed to the idea, though I have developed an allergy over the years. I did a few tests with the kittens and haven't had any reactions yet. Plus I would really like to have a kitten to pet and snuggle. Good therapy! As soon as the kittens are weaned from their mom, we are getting one. Eeek! The kids are so excited and so are we. We're pretty much nuts!

The other thing is that I LOVE having Jacob potty trained. It's so freeing. I can go to the store with just a purse! I felt so naked the first time without my diaper bag. But I love it! Going to Costco and NOT having to buy diapers or wipes?! I am so giddy I can hardly contain it! The money saved and now can be used for other things, like food or clothes for my ever growing boys. Vacations and outings are going to step it up to a whole new lovely level. I love it!!!!!


Anonymous said...

That's how it all started for us. First a kitten, then a dog, two horses and two cows. Watch out! :)

annjeanette said...

You are a cooler mom than me. I will not cave, even though my kids want a pet too, but I have allergies and so does Christian. Anyway, good luck! And diaper free? So awesome for you!