Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Story of My Life

I loved today's Baby Blues. It is my life. Every day I have Miss Anna who takes a gander at the menu calendar to find out what is for dinner. And everytime she does it I cringe. What will be the reaction this time? Not that I base my menus on her preferences, but I do get tired of hearing complaints. Tuesday I made potato corn chowder and corn muffins, which took at least an hour to prepare, only to have her come home from school and declare that she hated the above. Oh, the horror! Moms are so unappreciated in the cooking department! This is why I love the comic. Maybe I should start using Wanda's answer instead. And learn how to shoot lightening bolts out of my eyes at the same time.


annjeanette said...

SO TRUE!!!! My kiddies are like that too! If they go to bed with a hungry tummy, is it their fault and I don't feel bad for them!

Stephanie Black said...

Haha, yeah, love the cartoon. Kids have no tact whatsoever.