Tuesday, February 7, 2012


- After 2 1/2 years of serving in the Young Women organization as a Laurel Advisor, I have been released. I totally have mixed feelings since I love my girls and teaching them, but was getting somewhat anxious for a new adventure. (One can only handle so much of teenagers!) But when I knew I was going to be released, I didn't want it to happen. I love being a part of my girls lives. My new calling is as the Ward Music Chair. Ha! I have never had a musical calling in my life. I am just glad I don't have to lead music in Sacrament meeting. I am in charge of music for the ward, meaning Sacrament hymns and special musical numbers. Should be a learning process!

- Marshall started teaching at Dixie State College this past week. His friend from work, who had been teaching for the past ten years, decided to quit and offered the position to Marshall. If you know Marshall at all, you know he loves to teach. So once a week on Wednesday evenings, from 5-8, he teaches Juvenille Justice. And he's already set to teach another night class this Fall. His first week of teaching went well. I hope he enjoys it! What a great opportunity!

- Right now I am reading "Ivanhoe" and really really liking it. It is full of drama, action, intrigue, and even comedy. The character "Robin Hood" originates from this book. I love Medival times, though am glad I am not a woman living in them. Such a fascinating part of history.

-I think I would adopt all the cats at PetSmart if I could. They have pets there that you can adopt and Jacob and I looked at them the other day. There were some really sweet cats there that I just wanted to take home. One in particular melted my heart. Penelope, who is our outdoors adventurer, must have sensed a disturbance in the force because she made sure to be extra affectionate to me this morning. It was sweet.

-Penelope is growing up. She made her first kill last week. It was a lizard. The kids were horrified. She's also killed a mouse over at the neighbor's yard. Our neighbor was very grateful. There are some good things about having a roaming outside cat.

-Exercise makes me happy. Seriously. I have been in a funk and today I decided to just snap out of it and get active. I went to the gym and worked myself hard. I felt so much better afterwards. Pedicures are nice, but give me a tough work-out any day. There's nothing like accomplishing that and feeling good about yourself. Yeah for a working body!

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