Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A whole new kind of party

Forget Tupperware or Pampered Chef parties, why don't you have a Slumber Party instead? Who wants to sit around talking about boring kitchen gadgets when you could have someone come into your home and market the hottest lingerie, edible lubricants, adult games, books, sexy massage oils, and toys?! That's right, you and all your girlfriends can sit around, giggle, chat, and confer on which items will give the most "spice" to your bedroom exeperience. What's not to love?!

I about died when I read a listing on Craig'slist about the above company seeking people interested in selling their products through Slumber Parties. They made it specifically clear that those selling the products are not asked to take off their clothes or anything. No, why would anyone get that idea, silly? You're just like a Mary Kay Girl, except you sell sex toys and naughty nighties instead.

Wow. Sitting around and talking about which baking stone works the best or the newest line of Scentsy candles is one thing, if not annoying, but gathering with my gals to talk about anything close to sex is just creepy. Having someone come into my house to show me the latest sex products just makes me want to hide under my couch. Call me old-fashioned, but I'm very shy when it comes to my sex life becoming public. The times I have had to buy anything that is used in the bedroom for said purposes have always embarrassed me and, probably, always will. Everyone knows everyone else does it, you just don't want to talk about it. And I think that is a good thing. I really don't want my friends to know what lingerie I buy and I REALLY don't want to know what oils or stimulants they use for their bedroom life. No, nope, never. Please, keep your sex life to yourself and no one will get hurt! 1) Because I won't have to choke you for telling me or wash my ears out with bleach and 2) You husband won't lose trust in you for talking about something that should always be kept between you two.

I think it's funny too that such a business is in operation. I am sure some people love it, as in the fact that they even exist. But why do I need to salesperson to come tell me which products or nightie my hubby will love when I can just ask him myself? Novel idea, right? But I mean really, why waste time, money, and energy guessing when I can just talk to the man in question? No need to make it all public or to bring in any other party by just keeping it between us. He'll be happy, I'll be happy, and no one will ever know the details of what goes on behind closed doors.

Sorry ladies, but the only slumber parties I am having at my house will only be for my husband and I.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Hi Sushi,

I've been out of reading blogs in general lately, but I had a blast catching up on yours. Do you still love Bella? I can't believe you have two cats. Sorry or congrats on the release of your calling. Do you have a new calling? Yeah. The first time I heard about the Slumber Party thing was from a patient of mine. It was really hard to keep a straight face (instead of gagging) while she told me, but I figure I didn't do a good job of it, because she quickly changed the subject, realizing I wasn't going to take her invite. Gross, gross, gross. Are you liking the marshall teaching, too? I've decided that most people that have hubbys that do what they need to be doing end up doing most of the mothering time alone, including bedtimes. For some reason I thought 5pm was going to be the end of the day. I used to get bitter, but now I'm used to it and (most the time:) am glad he is out doing good. Thanks for the book titles. I got three off your blog. I'm really behind. You could move to WA and not worry about finding modest clothes. You mostly wear winter clothes here......