Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This past week . . .

Somehow time has gotten away from me and it has been a week since Rachel's baptism. With school wrapping up, life has been busy! Field trips and class programs along with the usual craziness of life. But we have been enjoying ourselves and having Marshall's parents back from their mission. This past Sunday they gave their fabulous "homecoming" talks and we partied with the family who could come down for the weekend. School gets out in a week and then it is time for the real chaos to begin! Here are some fun pictures from this past week . . .

Jacob came into our room this morning and fell back asleep in our bed. When we checked on him an hour later, he was completely out, but in this uncomfortable position.

Grandma and Granddad McConkie with Jimmy at his Kindergarten Program

Cute Jimmy as the "zookeeper" in his end of year program. He said his part perfectly and sang all the songs. Go Jimmy!

Rachel at Cotton Days, learning how to weave like the pioneers

And I don't have a picture of her, but Miss Anna has been riding her bike to school every day. She loves to ride instead of taking the bus and I am proud of her. It's a two mile ride there. Go Anna!

1 comment:

Lempskies said...

Were they in Lisbon? Troy served there when there was a N & S mission. Pretty exciting that Portugal is getting a temple! I bet it's fun to have them back.