Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Yesterday I went to Home Depot to get some new weather stripping for our front door. I've gone there enough times that I was smart enough to take the old stripping with me so I knew what kind to get. Pretty simple task. I was very grateful to the man and woman who were stocking stripping and helped me pick out the right kind. But I had even more fun reminding the male employee that appearances aren't always what they seem.

After helping me find the right size of stripping, this kind fellow started talking to me about installing it. He asked, "Do you have a husband?". I knew exactly where he was going this with this question and wish I had had of a great response, such as "Yes. Do you have a wife? Now that we're acquainted can we get on with the task at hand?" or "Isn't that a little too personal for weather stripping?", etc. I responded that I do and this man then told me that my husband could figure out how to install the stripping. (Whoa buddy! Back up there a minute!) I told him that, in fact, my husband didn't really do things like that, which is why I was the one out shopping for the stripping. "Oh", he responded and then told me he'd try to get a better answer from someone on how to install the stuff. I told him not to worry because I think I could figure it out since I was the one who took out the old weather stripping in the first place. Shot down, buddy!

I have to be perfectly honest that I was a little annoyed at this man's stupid sexist comment, especially in this day and age where there seems to be no limits to what one can do. Plus I don't like to be told that I can't do something. It makes sense to me that I do the home repairs. My husband has little time or interest in such things. Getting him to do home repairs is like pulling teeth because he hates it. I'm home a lot and I love to work with my hands. I have lists of projects I am continually working on to better beautify our home. Just because I'm lacking the male anatomy doesn't mean I am clueless when it comes to tools.

Maybe next time this guy will think before speaking and realize it's better to not judge a book by it's cover because you never know what's inside.


Stephanie Black said...

I think it's fantastic that you take care of the home repairs, and I really admire that. It works out great if you like doing it and Marshall doesn't--great for both of you!

judy said...

You go girl! You make your "sisters" proud.