Friday, September 10, 2010

Never Forget

I am so glad my girls came home from school today asking and telling me about September 11th, 2001. Thank you to the school for talking about that and showing a video to remind and teach what happened on that terrible day. We spent a good hour talking about the events of the day and watching videos about all that occurred. It was still unsettling nine years later to see that second airplane hit the south tower. It gave me goosebumps. I will never forget that day. I remember wanting to leave work, find my husband, and have him hold me because it seemed as if the world was falling apart.

The world is still here and America is still strong. We do have our problems a many and economic troubles, but the American Spirit can still be found among many of her citizens. I am proud to be an American. I will never forget the men and women who lost their lives that day. I am proud of the soldiers who fight to keep our freedom alive. I will remember. God bless America!