Sunday, January 15, 2012


Ten days later I am writing another blog. Wow. I am just not good at this anymore. I think it is partly because my typing time has gone down immensely since Jacob stopped taking naps. (Amazing how that correlates.) Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads what I say on a regular basis. But I do have thoughts and ideas I would love to share. Sadly, I usually get the chance to sit down and type at night, when my brain has already gone to sleep and my "great ideas" have drifted off to some far away land where my memory now resides. So here we are.

Life has been interesting the past few weeks. Is there ever a time when it's not? Doesn't it seem like there is always something happening? When you have kids, that tends to be the case. And things always seem to get busy. Wha?

Right now my mom is visiting and we are enjoying having her here. So far she has deep cleaned my bathrooms, stove, babysat the kids, and done a sewing project with all four kids. I am being spoiled and I love it. So who wants to blog then, right?

I am also test reading a manuscript for my sister-in-law. Amazing. If I had my way I would "pause" my children and read all day until I had the book finished. I am completely sucked into the story. So good!

Marshall got a black eye from racquetball. Well, he got a cut on his eyebrow that required three stitches and also have a lovely black eye as well. Nice. One of our more flighty youth at church today thought Marshall was sporting a make-up job by one of our kids. No, it's not dark purple and pink eye shadow, but really a black eye. It was so fascinating to our Young Women. So much so that during a spiritual part of my lesson I had a girl raise her hand, and thinking she would add a good comment, I let her speak. But all she wanted to talk about was Marshall's black eye. Youth are so random.

But then, again, so is this blog.


annjeanette said...

Just so you know I read everything you write! We need to get together! And I want to read Stephanie's book! Not fair!

Anonymous said...

I read everything you write too! Sure miss you. Enjoy the visit with your Mom.

Lempskies said...

I'm catching up on your blog...
Congrats on the new carpet & ditching the boot.

Condolences to Marshall for his injury & the fact that the youth are fixated on it.

I thought the "watering the bushes" was funny as well as the baby blues 'what's for dinner' strip.

Glad your mom is visiting. That is heaven.