Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Job Security

Sometimes I worry about losing my job. My kids are really good at showing me that they can do well on their own.

This morning while I was upstairs, Jimmy helped himself to the juice in the fridge. You see, he wanted juice and he knows how to open the juice bottle. So I found him carrying around a giant bottle of apple juice and chugging as he went. Thank goodness the bottle was almost empty. Too bad he can't be independent enough to mop up his sticky mess. Hmm. Selective independence? Or there are numerous occasions when Jimmy wants a snack and so will push a chair over to the cupboard and get out whatever he wants. Why bother the middle man, mom, especially if she might say "no". Moms are just so mean.

Rachel is always doing something to our computer. I think at least four times a day she changes the background color on our email box. She thinks it's the greatest thing. She also knows how to get to her favorite website, Nick Jr., to play games. Rachel is also very good at printing out pictures in all sorts of quantities. I never know what to expect when I use the computer.

Anna has gotten smarter with age too. She knows how to get her own chocolate milk. And why ask mom to use her body spray when you know exactly where it is? So what if Anna puts enough on to create a fragrance filled cloud of doom that lasts all day. She did it herself.

The kids amazes me daily with all the new "skills" they learn, some I'd rather they'd just forget about. But I guess my job is safe for now, despite their increasing independence. They haven't mastered how to open fruit snacks or tie water balloons. Once they figure out those two things, my job will be history!


Evil HR Lady said...

that's actually the goal, you know!

Anonymous said...

Reading this post brought back memories. I remember when we were cutting your hair and Hailey and Anna had come down the stairs all dressed up and with lots of make-up on. It just made me smile. Oh how they want to be like mom!