Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Common or Fashion Sense

A month or so ago I was listening to the country station (yes, I admit it. I love country.) and I heard the funniest comment, which also happened to be true. The announcer was doing a bit on summer fashions. At one point he was talking about tube tops, a clothing style I don't like, and he said "Tube tops. Now there is an interesting concept that has been beaten to death by fat people!" It made me laugh out loud because it's true.

Why do people, mostly women, lose all sense of self awareness when it comes to fashion? I can't tell you how many old and young women I have seen that just look plain scary. We just got back from the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar (which I will write about later) and saw some pretty interesting outfits. I don't want to be able to guess your bra size. I don't want to be able to count the cellulite marks on your legs either. I don't want all the details of your body. Please, just stop. Of course, we don't need to go to Cedar to see all of that. We can go to Wal-mart. Cedar just had more examples.

And what is with the form fitting shirts? I have seen so many women wearing them and the shirts don't do them any justice. Instead of flattering, it shows off all their rolls and pouches. Girl, a little bit looser shirt would make you look a billion times better. Buying a tight shirt when you are bigger is not going to make you look smaller. It just won't work. And just because it covers your whole top part of your body does not mean it is modest. Like I said, I don't want to know your cup size or bra brand. What are women thinking? I guess they are not. As I am getting further along in my pregnancy and getting bigger, I have been contemplating buying a new swimsuit. If I had no sense, or standards, I could buy a bikini. Stomach problem solved. And that would also keep the crowds away from me because they would run screaming in the other direction once they got a look at my stretch marks. Hello, people!

Here's a simple rule to follow, if you don't have the same body as the mannequin that is wearing the outfit, don't buy that tight shirt or those tight pants. Please, spare us all the pain of watching you advertise EVERYTHING you were blessed with. Let's make nice with fashion. Some sense of mystery can be a very good thing. PLEASE!!!!!!

1 comment:

Lempskies said...

We also follow the belief that if it hurts you to wear the clothes, it hurts me to have to look at you.