Friday, August 20, 2010


Thanks to Netflix Instant View we have a new addiction. It's been going on for a few months, but I suppose it is time to confess. Having all sorts of shows and movies at our fingertips is heavenly. It has also given us the chance to try out some tv shows we never have seen before, mainly "24".

This is where the addiction part comes in. "24" came out when we were students at BYU and were too busy to watch tv. We just never got into it. We've heard over the years that it is an awesome fun show, but we felt indifferently about watching it. Nothing like jumping into a series after it's already begun. Plus we were addicted to C.S.I. at the time. Then when Netflix started their Instant View through the Wii, we took the plunge and started watching "24".

It's kind of like eating kettle corn or a bag of your favorite chips. You know you should stop, but they are just so good you cannot help yourself. You just keep reaching for more. That's how it has been with us. This show is so addictive, even though there are plot holes, impossible story twists, and apparently only one CTU agent who has the power to pull anything off, we cannot stop watching! We've laughed at the stupidity at times. Swore we would turn it off and yet we keep going. Jack Bauer has us hooked.

We are doomed. Doomed because we don't have to wait for new episodes to watch. We have them all at our fingertips to watch as much of it as we want. Doomed, I say! Hey, but like that bag of kettle corn, bring it on! I am going to enjoy every last bit!

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