I recently ran across an article titled "What No One Ever Admits About Marriage". My curious self just couldn't resist perusing and seeing what dark secrets, we supposedly all have, that people confessed. And the good old world did not let me down, but rather gave me lots of fodder to show just how selfish people are.
Love and Money
"I have a habit of hiding money from my husband. I'm an accountant, so naturally I'm in charge of handling the household finances. But he's aware of how much I make — and spend. During tax season, I do a lot of extra work on the side, and instead of depositing the checks, I cash some and treat myself to massages, facials, lunches — basically anything that doesn't come in a shopping bag that I'd have to explain!"
—Marisa, 34How sad to want to hide your money from your husband. If you want a nice facial or something, let him know. But don't be all sneaky about it. If we got some extra income, I'd be so excited to sit down with Marshall and discuss the possibilities of what to do with that money. Personally, I'd want him included in the partying with said money. I am all for having personal money each month to spend as each desires, but pampering one's self with extra "secret" money seems a tad bit selfish.
"My man is not the most motivated guy in the world, so I bribe him to do things around the house by offering him sexual favors. I currently owe him three for the crown molding he put in the bedrooms!"
—Elisa, 29Prostitution in marriage is always a good thing. If it's illegal in most states, it should be banned in your marriage as well! Ew! One thing all the sane marriage experts say is NEVER to use sex as payment in your marriage. It demeans the woman, man, and their relationship. If you want the job done then find something else to motivate him or, better yet, learn how to do the work yourself. If it bugs you more, you get it done!
Let's Make a Deal
"I'm a staunch feminist, but I took my husband's last name when we got married. The reason: We'd made a deal that if I did, I could name all of our future children. First and middle names, no questions asked. Not even my mom knows about that deal. Everyone probably thinks I'm a traditionalist deep down."
—Brooke, 28It's amazing you even got married! How big of you to demean yourself by getting hitched to a man, alluding to the fact that you may not be able to survive on your own and (gasp) need man in your life. Children should not be used as bargaining chips. Naming them together is a good thing. But you're too selfish to see that.
Alone Time
"I love when my husband has to go out of town for work. I hear friends talk about how much they miss their husband when he's gone and how hard it is to juggle everything. I feel neither of those things. When he's away, it takes me back to the peace of mind I felt when I lived alone. I watch what I want, eat dinner at 10:00 P.M., clean the house — or not. It's when I get to be Claire, rather than Claire the wife, and I cherish it. Sorry, honey!"
—Claire, 30I'm surprised you are still married. Why bother put up with being a wife at all if it is such a suffocating thing? I am all for having some down time or girl time, but I look forward to the minute when my hubby gets home from work and do anything, but celebrate when he has to go out of town. I actually like him and would spend all my time with him if I could. You need to TALK to your man and make sure you both do and eat what you want together. It's called communication and compromising.
Soul Mates
"OK, I know that this is going to sound cheesy, but I really believe that my husband is my soul mate. I'm lucky to have found him, to be married to my best friend and to be genuinely happy in my relationship. But if I talked about it with the abandon I feel, I'd drive everyone crazy."
—Tracey, 25Well, not all hope is lost. I feel the same way about my husband. I am glad I am not the only one. For a minute there I was getting pretty scared!