Monday, April 4, 2011

Painful Enlightment

Mention taxes to any person who is self employed and you will get an earful of bitter rantings about doom and gloom. I never understood this completely until my husband became "self employed". No, he still works for the county as a prosecutor, but he also does some legal work on the side for some neighboring cities. It is that supplemental income that forces him to claim that work as self employed. Being our first full year of such employment and tax paying time looming large, I now understand the bitterness of those who are self employed. Seeing such a chunk of change demanded by Uncle Sam is not the kind of weight management I had in mind for my bank account. Now I do love America and all the freedoms I enjoy living here. Don't get that wrong. I just don't agree with the government's spending.

I wish taxes were like tithing. I pay far more in tithing than I do in taxes, but I really don't mind one bit. Yes, it's a commandment from the Lord and all, but I also know that my tithing money is being used for good. To help build churches, temples, missionary work, etc. The list goes on and on. I am happy to part with my hard earned money and give it back to the Lord. I know He'll use it where it is most needed.

I wish I could say the same for my taxes. Yeah, I'm helping people on welfare afford their big screen TV and the newest video game system. Oh,joy! I kind of picture the government like that one bad friend who has no money sense and is always trying to bum a few bucks off of you. You really don't want to give them any money because you know said friend will blow it and be right back at your door asking for more. I look at the National Debt and cringe, wondering if my measly tax dollars, compared to the total amount everyone pays, will really make a difference. It may seem like nothing to the government, but it's a lot of hard earned money to me. And I don't want to part with it because I know it'll be used for things I don't agree with. Why should I trust Uncle Sam with my money when he hasn't been very good at keeping a tab on his own?

What a mess! If only it was easily cleaned up with a flick of a wand. (Harry Potter, where are you?)I'll pay my taxes to my demanding "friend", but I won't be happy about it.

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