I know it is silly to wish it would go away, but the issue of gay marriage is here to stay. I have a brother who is gay and I love him dearly. We have even talked about our differing views and still have a good relationship. But as time and the battle for same gender marriage wages on, I don't know how long that will last. People are getting more and more adamant and demanding sides are choosen. To many, if you are not for gay marriage you are a closed minded fool and labeled as a hostile enemy. Having your own opinion is no longer allowed. You must give in to popular belief or be cast off.
Today I found this posting on Facebook from some friends and family.So let me get this STRAIGHT...Kelsey Grammar can end a 15-year marriage by phone, Larry King is on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55-hour marriage, Jesse James & Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE, 53% of Americans get divorced and 30-60% cheat on their spouses. Yet, same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Repost this if you find ironic
Ouch. Why do they always have to pick the worst examples? In both same gender and opposite gender relationships there are going to be bad examples. But what about all the thousands upon thousands of happily married people out there? Please don't use celebrities as the standard for normal people. They are beyond us every day people and live lives that are often dysfunctional and full of numerous issues. How offensive would it be to someone who is gay to assume because they are gay they MUST be sexually interested in my husband just because he is a man? Totally unfair and stereotyping to the extreme. So please do not assume that heterosexual marriage is going the way of the horse and buggy just because there are some whacked out people who lack intergrity and loyalty and are at the forefront of the media. We're not all sleeping around, okay? And why am I a jerk for not sharing the same beliefs as you? THAT seems pretty close-minded to me.
There is a lot I do not know, but what I do know is that the family is ordained of God and marriage between a man and woman is essential to God's plan. Children have the right to be born within the covenant of marriage and raised by a father and mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. I know this and believe it with all power. Being raised where the above was not the norm, I have seen the disasterous and long reaching effects of a home lacking both a father and mother, who are committed to one another. Anything less than what has been stated in "the Family: A Proclamation to the World" falls short of the happiness and potential God has in store for His children. Try all you want, but there is only one formula that works.
The line concerning same gender marriage was drawn years ago and the sides are becoming more apparent. Now the trenches are being dug and the barbed wire put up for the ugly fight that is commencing and will continue on. People will continue to be viciously in favor of the subject, offering cruel generalizations like the above Facebook find, but those who believe in marraige being ordained for a man and woman cannot give up or give in to the harsh cries of the world.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Fun Friday!
Friday we had the chance to get together with our dear friends from law school who live nearby. We had fun taking our kids to the St. George Temple Visitor's Center, walking around the grounds, and having a picnic at the splash park. It was a fun filled tiring great day!
On the temple steps
At the Cristus at the Visitor's Center
Splash park fun!
Me and my little man. I love his face in this picture!
At the Cristus at the Visitor's Center
Splash park fun!
Me and my little man. I love his face in this picture!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
What I need . . .
You hear it every summer and you will continue to do so. Anyone who has had a Rita's gelati and has any sense would agree. I want a gelati and I want it now! Curse you Utah for not having a Rita's! Perhaps I will have to make a trip to Phoenix, where there is the nearest one. (Yes, I am so desperate that I looked it up.) One cherry gelati please!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
All in name of Beauty?
I love being pampered just as much as the next girl. Massage my shoulders, slather on a cleansing facial, give me a pedicure and rub my feet while at it. I love to be spoiled! But I don't make it to the spa very much because I prefer being able to provide for my family rather than perfectly painted soft toes. (Though both would be nice.) I know there are many people who go to extremes to get their weekly, or even daily, beauty treatments. Some women cry abuse or foul if they have to go a minute without their beloved spa visits. (Believe me, I've met a few of them.) It never ceases to amaze me the extent/ insanity people go to for the sake of beauty. I found the following "unique" treatments in a recent article that made my anything, but jealous of these spa customers.
This photo says it all: Guests at Ada Barak's Carnivorous Plant Farm and Spa in Talmei Elazar, Israel (find it on a map) are paying money to have snakes — all nonvenomous, thankfully — crawl on their backs for a special reptilian massage. Slitherers big and small can tackle muscles in need of deep kneading, and people report it’s actually relaxing. People who aren’t terrified of snakes, that is. I love a massage as much as the next person, but snakes? Ewww. I don't care if they are not poisonous, they are still snakes, slithering on my back. And this is supposed to be relaxing? I'm not as bad as Indiana Jones, but I prefer snakes to be kept away from my bod, far, far away..
Kelowna, British Columbia, is famous for its cold winters and award-winning ice wine made from frozen grapes. It seems appropriate that this is also where you can try out a cold sauna, which is exactly as it sounds. At the Sparkling Hill Resort in Vernon, guests can sign up for "cryotherapy," which involves spending up to three minutes in a room cooled to -110 degrees Celsius. The experience is said to reduce inflammation and improve joint and muscle function, among other things.Wow. I bet it does wonders for inflammation, but does anything fall off your body during your three minutes in the ice box? I'd like everything to stay intact and not freeze off. Plus why would I voluntarily throw myself into a cold room? I'd be shivering for days to come. I just get cold thinking about it!
If you’re tired of eating caviar, try slathering it on your face for what’s billed as the ultimate anti-aging treatment. Offered at the Lodge at Woodloch in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, among other locations, this special treatment exposes your skin to protein-rich and moisturizing fish eggs. At $250 it’s not cheap — and no, you can’t eat the leftovers, so don’t look for blinis on the spa menu.Not only can I eat fish eggs, but now I can pay a lot of money to have someone smear them all over my face. Oh joy! Yeah, the whole idea just doesn't fly with me. I think caviar is gross. I am sure it smells nasty. But to rub it on my face? No thank you!
Some other favorites included the bird poop facial, using a mask similar to what Kobuchi actors and Geishas use for that pale complexion. I don't care if the stuff is sanitizied beforehand, it is still bird poop. Bird poop, people. Bird poop. Not gonna happen!
Or what about the Russian broom whacking massage? They take these tree branches they use to make brooms and whack your back with them to help loosen muscles. Yes, please sign me up to pay someone to beat me with a stick!
Seriosuly, what is wrong with people? I'll stick with my infrequent pedicure (I've only had two in my life) and muscle massages from my husband. These spas can keep the snakes, bird poop, and fish eggs for themselves!
This photo says it all: Guests at Ada Barak's Carnivorous Plant Farm and Spa in Talmei Elazar, Israel (find it on a map) are paying money to have snakes — all nonvenomous, thankfully — crawl on their backs for a special reptilian massage. Slitherers big and small can tackle muscles in need of deep kneading, and people report it’s actually relaxing. People who aren’t terrified of snakes, that is. I love a massage as much as the next person, but snakes? Ewww. I don't care if they are not poisonous, they are still snakes, slithering on my back. And this is supposed to be relaxing? I'm not as bad as Indiana Jones, but I prefer snakes to be kept away from my bod, far, far away..
Kelowna, British Columbia, is famous for its cold winters and award-winning ice wine made from frozen grapes. It seems appropriate that this is also where you can try out a cold sauna, which is exactly as it sounds. At the Sparkling Hill Resort in Vernon, guests can sign up for "cryotherapy," which involves spending up to three minutes in a room cooled to -110 degrees Celsius. The experience is said to reduce inflammation and improve joint and muscle function, among other things.Wow. I bet it does wonders for inflammation, but does anything fall off your body during your three minutes in the ice box? I'd like everything to stay intact and not freeze off. Plus why would I voluntarily throw myself into a cold room? I'd be shivering for days to come. I just get cold thinking about it!
If you’re tired of eating caviar, try slathering it on your face for what’s billed as the ultimate anti-aging treatment. Offered at the Lodge at Woodloch in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, among other locations, this special treatment exposes your skin to protein-rich and moisturizing fish eggs. At $250 it’s not cheap — and no, you can’t eat the leftovers, so don’t look for blinis on the spa menu.Not only can I eat fish eggs, but now I can pay a lot of money to have someone smear them all over my face. Oh joy! Yeah, the whole idea just doesn't fly with me. I think caviar is gross. I am sure it smells nasty. But to rub it on my face? No thank you!
Some other favorites included the bird poop facial, using a mask similar to what Kobuchi actors and Geishas use for that pale complexion. I don't care if the stuff is sanitizied beforehand, it is still bird poop. Bird poop, people. Bird poop. Not gonna happen!
Or what about the Russian broom whacking massage? They take these tree branches they use to make brooms and whack your back with them to help loosen muscles. Yes, please sign me up to pay someone to beat me with a stick!
Seriosuly, what is wrong with people? I'll stick with my infrequent pedicure (I've only had two in my life) and muscle massages from my husband. These spas can keep the snakes, bird poop, and fish eggs for themselves!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
I remember taking naps with my dad when I was a kid. He'd stretch out on the floor after a hard day of work and I could climb on top of his chest, lay down, and fall asleep. It was one of my most favorite places to nap. I was only 4 or 5 at the time, but I remember feeling safe, warm, and loved. My dad has always made me feel that way. He is stronger than Superman. He can build and fix anything, scare away wild animals and bugs, and melt away all worry with a simple hug. I love my dad and am so glad I get to be his daughter. He is one hard working, sweet, strong, caring, good man.
My mother-in-law says as long as we are improving on the generation before us, then we are doing our jobs. I think the father who is in my life now is just as amazing as the one who raised me. If possible, Marshall is even an improvement on my father because of the Gospel light and love he brings into our home. Our children see a father who is committed to the Lord and is always willing to sacrifice for and serve Him. He is constantly teaching by his example and love. And just like my father, he is one hard working dedicated man who loves his family. My kids know their dad will always be there for them to talk, play, and giggle with. One minute he will be doing a silly dance with them to their favorite song and the next Marshall will be sharing his favorite opera or classic movie with them. He encourages them in all they do and challenges them to be better every day.
I couldn't have asked for more amazing men in my life. I am so proud of them both and love them dearly! Happy Father's Day!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I am a crabby old man
I feel like a crabby old man. One because I can't walk very well and two because my limping actually does make me crabby as I cannot do all that I am used to doing. Lately things have become almost comical when it comes to my body.
A few weeks ago I developed bursitis in my ankle. I had no idea what "bursitis" was, nor had never heard of it, until I went to see my doctor about my painful ankle. It is the swelling of the lubricating sacs that surround the tendons. It is good that it wasn't my actual tendon that was hurt, but such an injury did mean a break from running. So I took the allotted time off, iced my ankle religiously, and eventually was able to start walking again without pain.
My first day back to running I was pumped for the run. I had been going insane waiting to heal. About a mile into my run I started to have pain around my hamstring, under my left knee. I tried to run through it, but the pain only got worse. I came home, iced, and rested my leg. But by the end of the day I could barely walk. The next day I went to the doctor to find out this time I had bursitis of the hamstring. Nooooo! What are the chances?! So no more running for another week and back to biking. Now I get to hobble around my house with my leg wrapped, hoping each day it will feel better.
It's been a very frustrating time, to say the least. But I am learning to have patience. And I am learning that it is okay if I am not super woman. I really want to do the St. George marathon this October, but I also really want to walk regularly without pain. So when I get back into running, I am going to progress at a snail's pace so as to hopefully avoid injury. I have had enough of limping around! We'll what happens when October comes around.
This year has been rough for many reasons, but I know I'll get through it. I know the Lord will help me. I recently read in my scriptures of the Lord counseling Joseph Smith that he would have a lot of trials and that he just needed to endure them well because the Lord would be with Him. I suppose I need to do the same. It can be frustrating and depressing at times, but I have no other choice but to endure them. Might as well endure it well and make the best of things!
A few weeks ago I developed bursitis in my ankle. I had no idea what "bursitis" was, nor had never heard of it, until I went to see my doctor about my painful ankle. It is the swelling of the lubricating sacs that surround the tendons. It is good that it wasn't my actual tendon that was hurt, but such an injury did mean a break from running. So I took the allotted time off, iced my ankle religiously, and eventually was able to start walking again without pain.
My first day back to running I was pumped for the run. I had been going insane waiting to heal. About a mile into my run I started to have pain around my hamstring, under my left knee. I tried to run through it, but the pain only got worse. I came home, iced, and rested my leg. But by the end of the day I could barely walk. The next day I went to the doctor to find out this time I had bursitis of the hamstring. Nooooo! What are the chances?! So no more running for another week and back to biking. Now I get to hobble around my house with my leg wrapped, hoping each day it will feel better.
It's been a very frustrating time, to say the least. But I am learning to have patience. And I am learning that it is okay if I am not super woman. I really want to do the St. George marathon this October, but I also really want to walk regularly without pain. So when I get back into running, I am going to progress at a snail's pace so as to hopefully avoid injury. I have had enough of limping around! We'll what happens when October comes around.
This year has been rough for many reasons, but I know I'll get through it. I know the Lord will help me. I recently read in my scriptures of the Lord counseling Joseph Smith that he would have a lot of trials and that he just needed to endure them well because the Lord would be with Him. I suppose I need to do the same. It can be frustrating and depressing at times, but I have no other choice but to endure them. Might as well endure it well and make the best of things!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
It's over!
Monday, June 13, 2011
I still need my mom
Having my mom here for the past two weeks has been wonderful. I think it has been one of our best visits in a long time. We've had fun reminiscing, going shopping, playing with the kids, and relaxing. She has spoiled me, folding laundry, watching the kids for dates, cleaning up after meals, running to the store for that needed gallon of milk, playing with the kids, and letting me run errands on my own. I am beginning to wonder how on earth I ever did all this without her being around. I have grown quite accustomed to her help.
I've also learned that despite being extremely independent and stubborn, I actually do still need a mom. A few days after my mom arrived, Anna and I were hit with a stomach virus. I felt miserable for a few days and was not up to doing much of anything besides wallowing in my bathroom. Mom watched and fed the kids so I could sleep and pray to feel better. As the sickness went through all the family, Mom was right here to help out in any way she could. I couldn't have done it without her. Well, I could have, but I am sure I would have been a miserable emotional wreck as I tried to care for my family and not puke everywhere at the same time. I needed my mom!
Then the other day I had the chance to run errands on my own. It was heavenly and I was able to accomplish a lot, like buying a new swimsuit for Anna. Despite what I have taught sweet Anna, as soon as she saw the new suit, she cut off all the tags and tried it on. To my horror her new suit was much too small! And with the tags off I couldn't take it back. I was so upset and annoyed. I knew I had gotten the right size, but how could it not fit?! And now the tags were off so I couldn't exchange the suit for another one or get my money back. There was $13 down the drain! I felt I should check the tag on the actual suit and was shocked and pleased to learn that it was in fact a size 6 suit. No wonder it was so small on my size 10 girl! I really didn't want to go back to Target, especially since I was still nursing a sore ankle. But I knew I had to get that suit back asap. Mom was more than willing to make the run back to the store for me and return the suit for one with the correct size. Target was happy to exchange the suit that was wrongly marked for one that fit. Another stress and problem solved thanks to Mom.
Even though I am a grown woman, there is still a little girl in me who knows Mom can make everything all better. And sometimes it is so nice to have Mom around to take care of me when I need it. I love my mom.
I've also learned that despite being extremely independent and stubborn, I actually do still need a mom. A few days after my mom arrived, Anna and I were hit with a stomach virus. I felt miserable for a few days and was not up to doing much of anything besides wallowing in my bathroom. Mom watched and fed the kids so I could sleep and pray to feel better. As the sickness went through all the family, Mom was right here to help out in any way she could. I couldn't have done it without her. Well, I could have, but I am sure I would have been a miserable emotional wreck as I tried to care for my family and not puke everywhere at the same time. I needed my mom!
Then the other day I had the chance to run errands on my own. It was heavenly and I was able to accomplish a lot, like buying a new swimsuit for Anna. Despite what I have taught sweet Anna, as soon as she saw the new suit, she cut off all the tags and tried it on. To my horror her new suit was much too small! And with the tags off I couldn't take it back. I was so upset and annoyed. I knew I had gotten the right size, but how could it not fit?! And now the tags were off so I couldn't exchange the suit for another one or get my money back. There was $13 down the drain! I felt I should check the tag on the actual suit and was shocked and pleased to learn that it was in fact a size 6 suit. No wonder it was so small on my size 10 girl! I really didn't want to go back to Target, especially since I was still nursing a sore ankle. But I knew I had to get that suit back asap. Mom was more than willing to make the run back to the store for me and return the suit for one with the correct size. Target was happy to exchange the suit that was wrongly marked for one that fit. Another stress and problem solved thanks to Mom.
Even though I am a grown woman, there is still a little girl in me who knows Mom can make everything all better. And sometimes it is so nice to have Mom around to take care of me when I need it. I love my mom.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Cherry Picking
I love cherries, but rarely buy them because they are so ridiculously expensive. You cannot imagine how excited I was when a friend passed along to me that a farm down here offers cherries for $1/lb if you pick them. With my mom in town and the need to have some adventures, I decided to load up the kids and go pick cherries.
We had a few protesters, mainly Anna as she hates fruit and was determined she would not be picking any. But we drove all the way out past the Sand Hollow Reservoir to the farm. And what a gorgeous drive it was! Once the kids saw the cherry orchard with buckets and tall ladders awaiting, they got into the spirit and had a blast picking cherries. Everyone did a good job of waiting their turn to pick cherries and got so excited each time they would get a handful off the tree. There were tons of cherries and cherry trees. We ended up getting 10lbs. The kids were very proud of their success. And they had the chance to create a fun memory with me and my mom. Plus now I have tons of fresh cherries to eat, freeze, and enjoy. Mmmmmm. What's not to love?




We had a few protesters, mainly Anna as she hates fruit and was determined she would not be picking any. But we drove all the way out past the Sand Hollow Reservoir to the farm. And what a gorgeous drive it was! Once the kids saw the cherry orchard with buckets and tall ladders awaiting, they got into the spirit and had a blast picking cherries. Everyone did a good job of waiting their turn to pick cherries and got so excited each time they would get a handful off the tree. There were tons of cherries and cherry trees. We ended up getting 10lbs. The kids were very proud of their success. And they had the chance to create a fun memory with me and my mom. Plus now I have tons of fresh cherries to eat, freeze, and enjoy. Mmmmmm. What's not to love?
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I really wanted to go to church today and share my testimony as my mom is visiting and would be there with me. She is not active, but is good enough to come with us to church when she does visit. But it seems the sickness that had Jimmy and Jacob down last week now has Anna, Rachel, and I. So I am home with the girls while my mom is at church with the boys. I hope she can feel the Spirit and is touched. My hope that she will come back to the church will never extinguish. It may get frustrated at times, but I'll never give up on her. I am very touched that she'd be more than willing to take my boys to church for me while I am at home with the sick kids.
As I pondered my testimony these past few days, I have been reminded over and over again of the joy the Gospel brings. All the happiness I have experienced in my life has been a result of living of the Gospel. The joy of the Gospel is lasting and stands the test of time, trials, and circumstance. That doesn't mean my life has been without hardship since I have taken upon the yoke of the Savior, but my burdens have been easier to bear because I am bound to Him. I have experienced trials that I never thought possible to endure, sacrifices I didn't think I was capable of, and peace I never imagined possible. I have grown and my testimony has been solidified. I cannot imagine living without the Savior in my life. It would be a sad hollow existence, ever searching for happiness, but never able to obtain it.
I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know His true church has been restored to the earth. I know that yoked to the Savior I can endure all the trials that come and still have joy in this life. Despite all that is going on around me in the world and my life, I am happy. Really happy because I know God lives and with Him all things are possible. True joy can only be found in living and following His commandments and prophets. What more can a person want or ask for?!
As I pondered my testimony these past few days, I have been reminded over and over again of the joy the Gospel brings. All the happiness I have experienced in my life has been a result of living of the Gospel. The joy of the Gospel is lasting and stands the test of time, trials, and circumstance. That doesn't mean my life has been without hardship since I have taken upon the yoke of the Savior, but my burdens have been easier to bear because I am bound to Him. I have experienced trials that I never thought possible to endure, sacrifices I didn't think I was capable of, and peace I never imagined possible. I have grown and my testimony has been solidified. I cannot imagine living without the Savior in my life. It would be a sad hollow existence, ever searching for happiness, but never able to obtain it.
I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know His true church has been restored to the earth. I know that yoked to the Savior I can endure all the trials that come and still have joy in this life. Despite all that is going on around me in the world and my life, I am happy. Really happy because I know God lives and with Him all things are possible. True joy can only be found in living and following His commandments and prophets. What more can a person want or ask for?!
Thursday, June 2, 2011

I have been on a Sherlock Holmes fix. I've always wanted to read the books and am almost finished with "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". What's not to love about the characters of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson? We recently came across the BBC series called, "Sherlock", which has the adventures of those two fictional famous men set in modern times. The show, as always by BBC, are well done, fast paced, amusing, and whitty. I always love a new take on something old. And these shows do a superb job. Check them out if you are a fan of Mr. Holmes!
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