Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am a crabby old man

I feel like a crabby old man. One because I can't walk very well and two because my limping actually does make me crabby as I cannot do all that I am used to doing. Lately things have become almost comical when it comes to my body.

A few weeks ago I developed bursitis in my ankle. I had no idea what "bursitis" was, nor had never heard of it, until I went to see my doctor about my painful ankle. It is the swelling of the lubricating sacs that surround the tendons. It is good that it wasn't my actual tendon that was hurt, but such an injury did mean a break from running. So I took the allotted time off, iced my ankle religiously, and eventually was able to start walking again without pain.

My first day back to running I was pumped for the run. I had been going insane waiting to heal. About a mile into my run I started to have pain around my hamstring, under my left knee. I tried to run through it, but the pain only got worse. I came home, iced, and rested my leg. But by the end of the day I could barely walk. The next day I went to the doctor to find out this time I had bursitis of the hamstring. Nooooo! What are the chances?! So no more running for another week and back to biking. Now I get to hobble around my house with my leg wrapped, hoping each day it will feel better.

It's been a very frustrating time, to say the least. But I am learning to have patience. And I am learning that it is okay if I am not super woman. I really want to do the St. George marathon this October, but I also really want to walk regularly without pain. So when I get back into running, I am going to progress at a snail's pace so as to hopefully avoid injury. I have had enough of limping around! We'll what happens when October comes around.

This year has been rough for many reasons, but I know I'll get through it. I know the Lord will help me. I recently read in my scriptures of the Lord counseling Joseph Smith that he would have a lot of trials and that he just needed to endure them well because the Lord would be with Him. I suppose I need to do the same. It can be frustrating and depressing at times, but I have no other choice but to endure them. Might as well endure it well and make the best of things!


annjeanette said...

Come join the club! I am having massive knee pain and went to see the doc. I got "its inflammed and I am going to shoot you with a shot of steroids in the joint. should be better in 48 hours." Um, not that didn't happen. I am only biking and still having major pain. I will probably be back into the doc next week and I am dying without my running too. What is the deal?! We're only 32 for crying out loud!

Anonymous said...

That is no fun! I hope you get feeling better soon.